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"uh, hi?"

two syllables. it only took two syllables for her heart rate to pick up its pace and her stomach to knot. she anxiously paced the vacant hallway, avoiding the window that looked into the classroom she just snuck out of.


stupid, she thought. why did she say that? obviously it's him.

"it's me, yeah."

that time she could detect the slight rasp in his voice. it wasn't a hoarse or sore throat type of rasp, it was natural and soft. it was soothing... and hot.

"um, is paige still walking towards you?"

she redirected, trying to sound casual.

"no, she turned around when i answered your call so the coast is clear. to be honest, i wasn't expecting you to call."

she tried to listen for a trace of disappointment in his tone, but there was none. he seemed surprised yet delighted, and that was dangerous. she didn't need false hope feeding her ridiculous little crush.

"oh, yeah. me neither. i just, i was trying to help. i figured i owed you."

she forced a laugh, trying to keep the conversation light and breezy, as it should be when talking to a friend.

"owe me? for what?"

she shrugged but then realized he couldn't see the gesture. dumb ass.

"for last night. you said you stayed up to make sure i got home. so, i owed you one."

she chewed her lip, anticipating his response.

"well, thanks anyway. if only you could find a way to get me out of this stupid double date after school. then i would forever be indebted to you."

the giggle she let out disgusted her.

"forever, you say? hm, are you sure about that? i can do some real damage if you're interested."

when a soft laugh riddled through the phone, a small smile tainted her balmy lips.

"what do you mean by damage?"

she leaned against a row of lockers, debating whether or not she should disclose her concerning methods when it comes to dealing with people she dislikes. of course, she only acted when she was provoked.

normally, she handled girls around her age that didn't appreciate her shamelessness. they're the type of 'pick me' girls who call other women whores for engaging in casual sex. they were also the type of girls who didn't like finding her nudes on their boyfriends' phones. to el, a paying customer is a paying customer.

their horny boyfriends weren't her problem or her concern; however, when said 'pick me' girls get a little too bold and decide to slut-shame and patronize el for her small business or simply her lifestyle, she didn't hesitate to handle them.

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