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hearing him say he was gonna play with her pussy was enough.

enough for her to want to say fuck the dinner reservations, pull his cock out of his pants, and ride it until her dad returned home sunday night.

however, before she could make that specific proposal to him, his mouth was sucking on hers and his fingers were rubbing her clit through the thin fabric of her pitiful underwear.

he greedily swallowed up her moan and the breathier one that followed it, circling her covered clit. her thighs tightened around his as she attempted to meet his touch and find even more friction.

"this is a favor, el," he mumbled between kisses. "don't get greedy."

she broke the kiss with a whine, a pitiful one at that. he was breaking her, completely ridding her of her dignity — and dissolving her sense of feminism seeing that she wasn't far from getting down on her knees and begging him for more.

"i can't help it. i'm greedy when it comes to you," she replied, almost drunkenly. "i've missed you so much, and i've wanted you to touch me for so long. mike, please," she pleaded.

his cock heard that desperate lilt in her voice and twitched in his jeans. "fuck," he hissed, resting his forehead against her bare sternum. "i've missed you, too, baby, and i've thought of this, too."

el's hands cradled his cheeks to tilt his warm face back up. "then do it, touch me," she panted, hovering her mouth centimeters above his.

she received a single nod and a kiss before she felt his swift fingers dipping into the waistband of her panties to find her needy little clit immediately. her abdomen flexed, and her arms wrapped around his neck, locking him into that kiss.

he rubbed her clit in tight circular motions, all the while sucking her tongue and biting her lips. "i fuckin' love the sounds you make," he mumbled against her wet lips.

"mmh-uh, i love that you can make me make sounds," she shakily replied. after a couple more kisses, she added breathlessly, "not gonna lie, i was a little— a little worried you wouldn't be able to make me come."

his lips, that had trailed down to her jaw when she was talking, detached completely. "are you serious?"

her cheeks, which were already flushed, flashed crimson. "look, you can't be mad. you're like perfect, okay? you're cute and smart, and you've got a big dick, and you're rich. not to mention that you can make me laugh and give me fucking butterflies. it's only natural that you're not good at something," she explained with half a mind because his fingers were still moving.

one of his brows kicked up. "you don't think i can make you come?"

"n-no, i do. now, i do," she strained.

a dirty smirk found it's way onto his reddened lips. "yeah?"

what started as a small head nod grew frantic when his two fingers left her clit, slid through her drenched folds, and sank inside her. "holy fucking shit," she cursed, sinking her nails into his skin.


"yes," she cried, dropping her mouth back to his and trying to kiss him while he thrusted his ring and middle finger in and out of her.

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