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"what are you— you're here." she stumbled over her words, "but you said— i thought—"

as much as he enjoyed listening to her make absolutely no sense, he hadn't kissed her in three weeks and remedying that was his top priority.

so with an understanding smile and an encouraging nod, he stepped right in front of her, cupped her undeniably flushed cheeks, and planted a long, soft kiss on her lips to properly say hello.

when he finally broke the kiss, he figured he would go ahead and put her out of misery by explaining, "will messaged me on instagram on monday saying your dad was leaving for the weekend and that you wanted me to come see you. he thought for sure you'd chicken out of asking me, so he took it upon himself to get me to surprise you." he tenderly swiped away an eyelash that had fallen to her cheek. "i was already coming when you asked me tuesday, but i wanted to keep it a surprise."

she chewed her lip as she listened, wanting to punch him and kiss him at the same time. she'd been doubting his feelings for her this whole week, and it turns out he was lying the entire time to surprise her?

she didn't even know what to say so she didn't say anything. she just remained quiet and slipped her arms around his waist, burrowing her face into his chest as she hugged him tightly to her.

"i'm sorry i'm not the mormon you were planning to make cry," he mumbled against the top of her head, kissing it.

she squeezed him. "i'm sorry i hoped your baby was born with a tail."

he chuckled, and it made her cheek vibrate. "i can forgive if you can."

she nodded against him, humming in contentment of having him in her arms. "thank you."

"for what?" he asked, rubbing a soothing hand up and down her back.

el removed her face from his dark sweater to look up at him. "for wanting to come see me."

his brows lowered. "why wouldn't i want to come see you?" he dropped a quick kiss to her mouth. "you're the one person that i always want to see, el."

a shy smile tugged at the corners of her lips. "i don't know if you knew this, but you were in the doghouse this week."

he grimaced. "yeah, i sensed you might've been a bit upset about me not coming, but i figured when i showed up, you'd let me off the hook." he guilty smile had her eyes rolling. "i actually wasn't going to leave hawkins until after school, but i ended up ditching my last three classes to come early because i missed you too fuckin' much to wait."

the affection made her nose scrunch up in a way he found to be cute as fuck. she shook her head. "i can't believe you're here. shit, i guess i better cancel my date for tonight."

he laughed as he slipped his hand into her hair. "yeah, just tell him you'll reschedule. tell him you're busy tonight." he ran his other hand down her side before finding a home on her hip.

she shivered despite the heat of his hands on her. she made a show of peeking over his shoulder at the open door and his duffel bag sitting outside in the hall. "maybe we probably should get that and close the door before one of my neighbors sees me without pants on."

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