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Sorry this isn't an update. I will be updating soon. I just thought I should have a brief recap on some things! WOO

So, I get the date is kinda confusing, so I'm gonna explain.

So basically, Fright Night was on Friday, October 31. That's when Hannah cured Liam, and she turned into a Vampire, and such... Saturday, November 1st, was the day Hannah woke up, and ya know, other things happened..... Then Sunday (November 2), was when Mason showed up, and told Liam a lie so he could spend the night there. Sunday night was when Mason bit Hannah. (This is when things start to get confusing.)

Monday (November 3), was the day Hannah woke up. Louis went down to talk to Mason, and find out about the cure. Obviously, Mason told him it was Simon who had the cure, and such... Louis and Mason left on Monday evening, so it was still light out. They reached Simon on Monday night. They obviously drove back to the house with Simon and the servants. The car ride back took them through the night. They got back to the house on Tuesday morning, (November 4). That's when Simon cured Hannah, and Louis had to say goodbye. Tuesday night was when they got back to the palace, and there was the huge feast, and Louis was reunited with Perrie. That's also the night that Harry and Hannah snuck out.

If you don't remember (which you should), Louis and Perrie made a plan to help Olivia escape, so she could get a message to the boys and Hannah. Olivia escaped on Wednesday, (November 5). She left around 1 ish on Wednesday, and got to the boys and Hannah by night fall. Then they read the message, and yeah....you know. That same night was when Olivia had a terrible nightmare about Louis, and Niall started freaking out. Then, Olivia, Niall, Liam, Zayn, and Hannah left for Paul's house. That's when Paul tried helping Olivia with her nightmare, and as he was doing that, he caught a glimpse of what was happening/going to happen to Louis. (They left at like 3 am, so it's considered Wednesday night, but also technically Thursday morning.) also, Louis and Perrie got in trouble on Wednesday evening, and Louis was put to sleep on Wednesday night, right after he mind messaged Olivia.

Thursday! The most exciting/horrible day (at least I think it is.) Thursday, (November 6), is the current day. Louis woke up on Thursday morning, and discovered he was strapped down to some sort of table. Simon went down there, and turned Louis blackened. That same morning, Harry and Malory went to Paul's house looking for Hannah, and the rest of the boys. That's when Harry found out about Olivia's nightmare. As the boy are waiting for Paul to return, they need to come up with a plan to save Louis. Harry came up with one.... And because the next chapter hasn't came out yet, I can't tell you if that's the plan they went with.

In other words, all this shit is happening in less then a week. Lol. I didn't plan this out in the greatest way, but whatever.....

At least you understand the date now, if you didn't already before. Also, one more thing. The year is not the current year. I am basing this story off of when I wrote fright night, considering this is happening immediately after. The year is 2013 here. So (in the book), tomorrow is Friday, November 7, 2013.

I'm only gonna say two things about the next chapter. One, it is still going to be Thursday, but Thursday night. Two, it is gonna be so fucking awesome, it'll blow your minds. Three, wait...there wasn't a three. Never mind.

Before I end this authors note, I wanna explain one last thing. It has nothing to do with the date. It has a lot to do with something we call, 'lusting'.

Obviously, in real life lusting means to have a strong sexual desire for someone. In the book, it means something else. If you haven't caught on already, then I'll explain. To vampires, lusting means to show your inner vampire. Basically, it's when you no longer look human, instead you have red eyes, and fangs. So when a vampire lusts, they are showing their vampire eyes and fangs. A permanent lust is when they continuously show their red eyes and fangs. If you have ever seen the movie twilight (which I'm sure you have), the vampires in that movie have red eyes all the time. Yeah...that's a permanent lust. (Not that I like twilight. Tbh it's kinda weird sorry not sorry.)

I also wanna mention that if you try googling vampire lusting, it's not gonna come up. This story is obviously fiction, so vampire lusting isn't an actual thing to most people. I made it up. I don't care if you use the idea of 'lusting' in your own vampire book, just know I made it up. Idk why I called it that, it just kinda occurred to me. Idk.... DONT JUDGE ME.

Blackened: note, this is also something I made up. Ive recieved many requests to re-explain blackened. Alright, blackened is when a vampire loses his or her humanity. They are basically just a demon walking around in a human body. If you have ever seen the show the vampire diaries, then you probably know that those vampires have the option to 'flip the switch', or turn their humanity off until they wanna turn it back on. in this story, they do not have that option. Its either you have humanity, or you don't. Once you are blackened you cannot be turned un-blackened (as far as we know hehe). Blackened vampires have black eyes, not red. They also only have relation with their masters, or other blackened vampires. They must be bound to a master, otherwise they will go insane and destroy the earth.. blah blah blah.... they do not feel nor have emotions or feelings (obviously). The most they can have is the memories of their human life (or when they at least had humanity. So their past vampire life does count).

To turn into a blackened vampire, you must drink (or in Louis' case, be injected) with blackened vampire blood. Then you must feed from your master, so you remain bound to him or her. And yeah.... thats it.

anyway, I'm pretty sure I've mentioned the lusting thing before. It was in fright night though, so you may not remember. Idk if ive mentioned blackened though. Well, now you know :) and I hope you are enjoying the story so far. The next update will be coming very soon I promise xx

Fun fact: I've never mentioned the boys ages in this, but if you wanna know, I will tell you. I had to do math to figure this out, just because I love you guys. If you aren't good at math, then I'm sorry if you don't get how I did this. Also, I'm the type of person to go through math problems, so I'm gonna tell you how I figured it out, and it's probably gonna waist a minute of your life. Oops, you'll get over it. :)

So let's take Louis for example. In the book it is 2013, and in real life, Louis was 21 years old in 2013, turning 22 in December. So that is the age I'm gonna use for when he died. The boys were turned in 1642 (July). So 1642 - 21 = 1621. Keep in mind he was born in December, and also he would've been 22 that year. So in other words, Louis was born on December 24, 1620. Then I did 2013 - 1620 and BAM. I got his age. I'm just gonna tell you all the boys ages now. NOTE: These are their total ages from birth, not from when they turned into a vampire. (This is their age as of November 6, 2013. In the story. Keep in mind their birthdays and such.) also the boys have the same age gaps as they do in real life, and same birthdays.

Louis is 393 years old. (He will be 394 on his birthday this year.) Born December, 24, 1620.

Zayn is 391. Born January 12, 1622.

Liam is 391. Born August 29, 1622.

Niall is 391. Born September 13, 1622.

Harry is 390. Born February 1, 1623.

Lol, also Hannah is 17. Just 17.

Also, I have no idea how old Simon is, or Paul.

I realise this information does not matter at all, I just thought it would be cool to know. Anyway, that's it.... I wasn't planning for them to be any specific age tbh. I just kinda typed in numbers for the years as I was writing fright night and bloody love. Lol. Whatever..... I'll mention their age somewhere in one of the next chapters as well. So um....yeah. If I confused you on anything, please say something. If it was the math that confused you, then try not to think about it too hard. Just take my word for it I got their ages. Sorry, I tend to be a very descriptive person. Anyway, hope you all have had a great day, and I'll see you soon. Xx


P.S I talk way to fucking much. Did any of you even read all this?

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