Chapter 3

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Hannah's POV

Louis set me down and told me to follow him. He ran vampire speed in the direction of the hiking trail. I ran after him. He stopped behind a bush. I quickly caught up to him and watched as he stared at the hiker just up ahead. Ever sense Louis met me, I don't think he's had time to do this. I'm sure he wants to really badly. "Get lower" he said. He wasn't expecting me to duck behind the bush completely, but I was standing in clear view so... I hid behind a tree. The hikers ankle started bleeding. I tried to hold myself back, but it was so hard especially when I'm a new vampire. Louis even had to look away. "Now watch me," he whispered. Before I knew it he was gone, but he made sure to make noise before he left. The hiker looked around confused. "Hello?"

I stayed out of sight and waited for Louis. Soon, the hiker had backed up into his chest. The hiker jumped, "oh. Jeez you scared me man." Louis looked normal again, his eyes were blue. "Sorry mate. I just gotta ask you something," he told the hiker. The man looked curious, "what?" Louis' eyes turned red and his fangs came out, "mind if me and my girlfriend have a snack?" The man looked terrified, but he didn't have a choice. Louis compelled him, "don't scream." Then, Louis bit into his neck. He didn't drain him completely. He drank just a little and after a few seconds he let go. "You can come out now love," he said. I slowly made my way over to him and the hiker, who was still conscious but barely. "Louis I-"

"You can do it. You have to feed," he said. "What if I can't stop?" I asked, terrified. Louis gave me a light smile, "I guess we'll never know." I slowly nodded, but I was hesitating to move. I reminded myself of the smell, which was hard to control myself around. I walked closer to them and stared at the mans wound. "Cmon, I'll get the other side," Louis said. I grabbed the mans shoulders. I couldn't control myself, it smelt so....soo heavenly. I extended my fangs out and sinked my teeth into him. Louis did the same with the other side of his neck. I felt the man drifting away. His life, being sucked out into me. His soul passing through me. I couldn't kill him. I can't. I stopped.

I looked up at the now unconscious man. Louis stopped too. He wiped his lips then set the man on the ground. He knelt down beside him. I knelt down to, feeling both guilty and yet alive. "He's not dead yet, you can save him," Louis told me. I was to afraid to do anything. "No. No I can't, you do it." I could tell Louis didn't want to hear that, but he nodded. "Ill do it this time, but only to show you." Louis then took his wrist and bit into it. He put his bloody wrist into the mans mouth. "Cmon now," he said to himself. The man starting drinking Louis' blood, then he started waking up. "Vampire blood can heal humans," Louis told me. I kinda already knew that, but I was to afraid to bite into my own wrist. The man was now conscious and healed. But, he was scared. "W-what's going on? Who are you?"

Louis smirked, then looked at me. "Now I want you to do this part. Make him forget." I was scared, but I nodded. "How?" I asked. "Just look into his eyes, and tell him what you want him to hear," Louis responded. I listened and looked into the scared mans eyes. "Um. I want you to, uh-" I began. I didn't know what else to say, I froze up.

"I'll give you a tip. Try to convince yourself first, that what you're saying is true. That will make it easier to say it to him," Louis told me. I nodded. I understood now, but it was still difficult. "Please just..leave me alone," the man cried out. I tried it again. I looked into his eyes, "you were walking, then you fell down and hit your head. You don't remember meeting us." I tried saying it all with emotion.

The man snapped out of the trance then looked around confused. "Where am I?" Me and Louis got up and ran away, before he could see us. We ran closer to the house. I'm starting to get used to running. We stopped running for a breath of fresh air. Louis started laughing out of nowhere. "You did it. Your first feed." He was happy, I could tell. I smiled too, showing my new fangs. I couldn't help but laugh to. Louis spoke, "Cmon, lets show the boys what you can do."


A/N lol hi. Long time no seak. The next chapter will be up tonight. Very soon :) lol wanna here something funny. Today at school we had an assembly and during the assembly the girls dance team and their boyfriends danced together. Then don't drop that Thun Thun Thun played and the girls left the stage. Then their boyfriends twerked. Oh my god 😂 it was great. Had to be there.. Anyway. Lol bye

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