Chapter 13

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Hannah's POV

My eyes started to open slightly. The air was warm. I could feel the sunlight hitting my face. I was at home, in bed. Not my new home, but my old one. The one I had when I was normal. I could hear someone coming up the stairs. "Good morning sweetie," someone said. "Mom?" I asked. My mother walked into the room, and handed me a tray of food. "You're finally up! I thought you were gonna sleep all day," she said. I lightly smiled, "mom, I haven't seen you in ages."

"Honey you saw me yesterday," she said. I looked at her confused, "no, it's been months since I've seen you." I was starting to get really confused. Why was I at home? And where is Louis and the boys? "Mom where's Louis?" I asked. She gave me a worried look, "sweetheart. Do you remember what happened a few days ago? You hit your head hard, the doctor said you would be out for a bit and forget some things."

"Mom, what are you talking about? What happened to Louis?" I asked. She shook her head and shrugged, "Honey, you've been talking about this boy called Louis for days. I don't know who he is, nobody does. He isn't real, just your imagination." I shook my head in disbelief, "no."

"Sweetie I'm sorry. The doctor said this would happen. You've been imagining things outloud a lot lately."

"No. No no no mom! I know Louis' real. I saw him, he turned me into a vampire. We lived in a big house, him and I, and Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Liam. Even Mal was there!"

"Sweetie it's ok shh. Calm down."

"No! I know he's real! Where is he?!"

My mom placed her hand on my arm to calm me down. She looked towards the door for a moment, like she was calling someone else into the room. "Sweetie the doctor is gonna make you feel better okay?" She said. She started to stand up. I grabbed her arm and pulled her back, "mom believe me! Please!" She struggled to get free of my grasp. "Sweetheart let go, please. Somebody help!" She shouted that last part to the door. Two men rushed into the room and helped my mother get free. They held me down as the third man made his way into the room. "Let go of me!" I shouted. My mom began to cry. The third man walked over to me with a large needle in his hand. This wasn't just any man, I recognized him. "Mason," I said. He smirked at me, "you're just gonna feel a little pinch." I began screaming as loud as I could. Nobody was helping me. Before I knew it everything went black, but only for a moment.

Suddenly, I was in a different place. A much darker place. I opened my eyes and looked around. I couldn't see anything, but I heard voices around me. I tried sitting up, but I was strapped down to a table. The voices got louder, they whispered all around me.

"She's awake! She's awake!"

"Shh we know Niall."

"We need to get started."

"What are we supposed to do about her?"

"Somebody get Louis."

All of a sudden, a bright light flashed over me. I squinted until my eyes finally adjusted. It was like one of those dentist lights. Five shadows surrounded me. Eventually they came into clearer view. It was the boys. Louis was the first one I saw, but he didn't exactly look like himself. None of them looked like themselves. Same hair, same voices, but their eyes. All of their eyes were pitch black, and they had blood dripping down their lips. "Hey there sleepy head," Louis said. He didn't sound very kind, he sounded hungry, and amused. I tried breaking free, but I was still strapped down. "Oh the struggle," Harry said, "so amusing. Makes you even more hot."

I stopped struggling. I watched their every move. They were scaring me. Louis told me about vampires with black eyes, they call them blackened vampires. No, the boys couldn't be blackened, they're too good. "Where am I?" I asked them. They all smirked at the same time. "It doesn't matter where you are babe," Zayn said. "The only thing that matters is who you are," Niall finished. They weren't making sense to me. "You're one of us now, which means it's time to stop acting like a baby, and start being who you truly are. A vampire," Louis said. I need to get out of here. These aren't the boys I know and love. "Come here baby, all you need is a taste of blackened blood," Louis said, reaching me his wrist. He had already bitten into it. I again tried to break free but it was no use. I felt weak compared to the boys. Harry played with my hair, and Louis tried placing his wrist in my mouth. "Stop it! I won't drink that!" I said. "Awe. She's being stubborn Louis," Harry said. "I know. I don't even remember what it feels like to be stubborn," Louis replied.

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