Chapter 28

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Hannah's POV


I was walking through the woods. Not sure why all my dreams include the woods but they do. Yes,I know this is a dream. I'm not sure why but I know. This dream was different though. It was creepy. It was dark outside. I was still a vampire, so that made me feel safer. Based on all the horror movies I've seen, you never wanna shout "hello?" When you're alone in the dark. So I didn't, instead I walked alone. Then I heard screams. That's when I shouted something out of fear.

"Who are you?"

Nobody responded, so I kept walking. The screams grew louder. Then I heard my name. "Hannah help!" I recognized that voice. It was Harry. I started running towards his voice. Then I heard another scream from a different direction. "Hannah please!" That sounded like Niall. I started running towards the noise. Then another.. "Hannah come help me!" Liam? And another. "Hannah I need you!" Zayn? This was getting weird. The four boys continued to shout my name from four different directions. I wasn't sure who to help first.

Then I heard a fifth voice. "Hannah help me!" It was another voice I recognized, but it wasn't just anyone's voice.. "Louis!?" I shouted. He shouted again, "Hannah please I need help!"

"I'm coming Louis!" I shouted back, I ran towards his voice, ignoring the other voices. Then I finally reached him. He was standing offaly close to a cliff. I walked up to him cautiously, because I wasn't sure what his next move might be. His back was turned to me. "Louis?" I asked softly. He slowly turned around to face me, but what I saw, was not Louis. He had the same usual face, but his fangs were out, and blood was trailing down his lips and chin. Worst of all, his eyes were pitch black. Oh not this again.....

"Hannah" he said simply. I was too afraid. I've only heard dark horrible things about blackened vampires. "W-what?" I asked. Louis took a few steps backwards, almost falling off the cliff completely. "Help me" he said. "What do you mean help you?" I asked. I wasn't sure if there was anything I could do but I'll try anything for him. God knows that's what he would do for me. "Help me," he said again, "he did this." He? What does he mean. "Who did this too you Louis?" I asked. He didn't answer my question. Instead he shook his head and pointed at something. "They're coming," he whispered. I turned around too see who he was pointing at, but nobody was there. I looked back at Louis, who was now crying blood. "Help me," he said again. Before I could respond, he fell backwards off the cliff. "Louis no!" I shouted, but it was too late. You'd think a vampire would survive that fall, but Louis didn't. What kinda of dream is this? Wait a minute, it's not a dream. It's a nightmare. My worst nightmare.

I couldn't help myself. I jumped too. If Louis died, then I wanna be right beside him. I continued to fall. It felt like this drop would never end. Like I would be plummeting to my death forever. Eventually, everything stopped, but not because I reached the bottom, but because I woke up.

~~~~~dream ends~~~~~

I sat up in bed and the first thing I did was scream. Coming to my senses, I stopped after a few seconds. I was awake. I escaped that horrible nightmare. Harry sat up beside me, "babe you okay?" I nodded trying to calm myself down, "I think so."

"What happened?" He asked. I shook my head, "just a bad dream." I didn't wanna tell Harry what happened. He deserves at least one full night of sleep. So I just pretended I was okay. Sadly, Harry can read right through me. "Just a bad dream? Babe you're shaking." I looked down at my hand. He's right I am shaking, weird. "I'm okay," I said. "You don't seem okay," he responded. Boys, always so paranoid.

"Really, I'm fine," I said, "I woke up, my nightmare can't hurt me anymore." Harry lightly smiled. "Glad you think that," he said quietly. What's that supposed to mean? Probably just a Harry thing.

Bloody Love (Sequel to Fright Night)Where stories live. Discover now