Chapter 11

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Harry's POV

The air was dark and silent, but it was fresh, like I was the first person to breath it. I felt and uncomfortable chill run down my spine. I walked deeper into the room I was in. I've never been inside it before. There was furniture in it, so obviously someone has been here, but not for a long time. The furniture was dusty and old fashioned. We bought this house in the early 1800s, it's been standing for a long time. None of the furniture in here belonged to us. Probably from the first family who owned it. There was pictures leaning up against some of the walls, with white sheets covering them. I decided to let my curiosity get the best of me. I flipped over some sheets to see the pictures. Obviously no family would leave behind family portraits, so these picture were just paintings of flowers and some animals. Then I noticed a frame at the far end of the room. It was leaning against the wall like the rest, but it was leaning alone. I walked over to it quietly, pretending it was some sort of time bomb that would go off if I was loud. I knelt down before the frame and carefully flipped the sheet. Did my eyes deceive me? This picture, was ours. It wasn't a painting of us, it was a painting of a man. A man I haven't seen In a very long time. I'm not even sure why we have this.

His eyes were dark, and his hair was a sandy brown. He never smiled, only when he gets what he wants. Right now, I can only imagine the pain of his next prisoner. Seeing this picture reminded me too much of the past. The horrible past I've tried every day since, to let go. All I can see is me, running through the woods. Jumping over logs and picking up speed. The reason I was the fastest in the house, is because I've been running all my life. From him. This horrible man, who ruined my life. He didn't turn me, but he's making me live in regret. I didn't know how to control my senses until nearly 15 years after my transition because of him. He haunts me everyday. He's the main reason I rarely sleep at night. He did things to me, things I don't wanna talk about. Worst of all, there's nothing I could do to stop him. All the past memories coming back to me. I could feel my eyes turning red, and my fangs poking out. The anger, the fear, the pain. All I could think about was Hannah, and how happy I was to know she would never have to meet him. That thought was keeping me alive right now. It was keeping me from doing something horribly crazy, that all the boys would turn against me. Simply because of a picture of a man, who's name was ringing in my head. How dare I ever say it out loud again, but I did it anyway. I whispered softly, "Simon." Before I knew it, I heard someone scream, coming from down the hallway. Hannah. I quickly covered the frame with the sheet and ran out of the room.

Hannah's POV

I tried opening the door to run away but Mason stopped me. He put his hand on the door and leaned in closer to me. "I'm gonna make this short and sweet for you babe. We could either do this the easy way, or the hard way," Mason said. His breath was cold. I tried backing up more but there was a door there. "I'm stronger then you," I whispered. He smirked, "I know, but even a baby vampire can't get away fast enough without getting hurt." For some reason I believed him. He tried looking me in the eyes but I didn't wanna face him. "What do you want?" I asked quietly. He leaned in even closer and whispered in my ear, "look, I don't wanna hurt you. My friend wants the boy, so you're gonna help me get him there."

I looked at him this time. It didn't matter what boy he was referring to, I'm not helping him get rid of any of the boys. "You don't strike me as the type of guy to listen to people. I can only assume what this friend is holding against you," I said. "Watch it," he said, "like I said, there's the easy way or the hard way. All you have to do is lead him to the cave in the woods. I'll take care of the rest.

"Wouldn't it be easier if your friend did it?" I asked jokingly. "He's a busy man, now you have to decide. The easy way, or the hard way," Mason replied. He backed up a little and I started walking towards him. It was my distraction. He was falling for it, thinking I was on his side. Then I whispered, "neither." I punched him in the face making him fall to the ground. I quickly ran out the door into the hallway. Before I knew it I felt a pair of hands on my waist. At first my only thought was Harry, but I couldn't be more wrong. It was Mason, and his eyes were a golden brown and he had sharp, wolf like fangs. I tried fighting his grip, but he was strong. "Guess you chose the hard way," he said, while extending his teeth even more. Before I knew what was happening he moved my hair out of the way, and bit me.

He bit me in the neck, so hard I could feel the world spinning. I screamed as loud as I could. It hurt even more then a vampire bite, this was pure torture. After a moment he dropped me to the ground. I covered my neck with my hand. The wound wasn't healing, it was like he poisoned me. I screamed out once more, and Mason didn't stop me. It was like he wanted someone to hear me. I curled up in the fetal position on the floor. The pain wouldn't stop, I began crying out. Eventually I stopped, when everything was numb. Mason stood above me, my blood covering his lips. Guilty.

I could hear someone running towards us. "Hannah!" They shouted. It was Harry. He had stopped when he saw me, laying on the floor. My eyes were growing heavy, and I was getting dizzy, but I still managed to stay conscious for a bit longer to look at him. His reaction when he saw me, it scared me. He started shaking, his eyes were wide open. He knew exactly what the outcome if this would be. Death, but not only mine, Harry looked like he wanted to murder every last person on the face of the earth. Then he looked at Mason, who was still standing there above me. Harry clenched his fists, his eyes turned red, and his fangs showed. His breaths weren't steady, they were shaking along with his body. He couldn't take it anymore. "You," he said. He started breathing heavier, and soon he completely lost control. He ran vampire speed over to Mason and shoved him against the wall. "YOU DID THIS!" Harry shouted. He held onto Masons throat and lifted him off the ground. Mason was gasping for air, "you cant kill me."

"Oh I'm not gonna kill you, I'm gonna make your life a living hell until the peak of your existence!" Harry shouted again. Harry's shouting woke the other boys. Liam, Niall and Zayn came running down the hall. "What the hell happened?" Liam asked. Niall was wondering the same thing. Zayn only paid attention to me. He saw the bite on my neck, and I knew exactly what he was thinking about. "You bit her," he said to Mason. Liam and Niall saw the bite too. Zayn didn't even think about his next move. He broke off one of the legs to a table in the hall and tried to run towards Mason. Liam stopped him by holding him back. "Zayn you can't kill him," Liam said. At first we all thought he was defending his friend, but he wasn't. "Not yet at least," he finished, "Harry put him down."

Harry listened and put him back on the ground, he even let him breath a little. But Harry's hand remained on his neck, looser then before but still tight. "You can save her," Mason said. Harry put his other hand on Masons arm and started squeezing tightly. "You're bluffing," he said. Mason screamed in pain. All the boys eyes turned red like Harry's, even Liam. Liam knelt down beside me, "it's gonna be ok," he said. I could barely move, but the comfort of him made me feel better. Niall couldn't even look at me without losing control. He was trying to remain calm, but lets face the truth. All of the boys knew what was going to happen to me, even I knew. The only boy that wasn't here, was Louis.

"I'm not bluffing, that's why I'm here," Mason said while trying to catch his breath. "There's nothing you can possibly do to make up for this, you're completely useless" Harry said. He started tightening his grip on Masons neck once again. Liam of course said something, "Harry, maybe he's not bluffing."

"LIAM THERE IS NO CURE! YOU KNOW THAT!" Harry screamed to him. He started to cry a little. Liam remained quiet for a minute, he tried not to cry too. Then he tried speaking again, quietly. "Take him to the basement. Keep him alive for now, I don't wanna be the one to tell Louis." I don't think anybody wants to be the one to tell Louis. He wouldn't just murder Mason, he would go to the extreme, probably even get himself killed. But then again, knowing Louis, he doesn't care. It's to late, nobody has to tell him anyway. I could hear him standing behind all of us.

The first thing he sees is Harry choking Mason. Then Liam kneeling beside me, and Niall and Zayn standing behind him. I couldn't see his face, but I could hear him. "Hannah?" He asked. The boys then realized he was standing there. They all looked depressed, even Mason. Louis didn't notice the bite mark on my neck until he walked closer. I couldn't even tell you what happened after that, because then I blacked out.


A/N oh damn. Next chapter is coming soon! Ok so I'm going to see divergent tomorrow with my cousin, and if you already saw it don't tell me what happens! I mean it, I swear to god do not spoil it. Anyway, wonder what Louis is gonna do. Ehh, if I was Mason I would be scared shitless. Ok, love you. Bye xx

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