Chapter 19

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Harry's POV

Something isn't right. I've known that ever since 'the devil' stepped into my house. I haven't seen Hannah since this morning. Supposedly she's cured. I believe that, but yet I don't. I'm gonna have to see that she's cured for myself.

I told the boys I was going upstairs to wee. I don't want them to follow me, because I wanna have a talk with Hannah about Louis. He just walked out of the house like nobody's business. He never does that. I'm starting to wonder if he's even coming back. Which brings me back to the subject of 'the devil'. He was here, he supposedly cured Hannah. He must want something in return for that. It's kinda a lot to ask for and besides, he never does shit for free. That's not why I hate him, that just makes him even more of an ass.

"Knock knock," I said as I tapped on Hannah's door. "Come in" I heard a faint reply. When I walked in, Hannah had quickly dropped something down on her lap and wiped her tears off her cheeks. "Watcha got there?" I asked softly. She looked down, trying not to show me her face. "It's just a picture frame," she said. "Really? Without a picture in it?"

I sat down beside her on her bed. I could tell she was tired, and very upset. "No," she said, "there's a picture." That made more sense to me. "Can I see?" I asked. She lightly nodded, still not looking up at me. She handed me the frame. When I flipped it over I saw a picture of her and Louis sleeping. Not what I was expecting. Then again rarely ever do I see Louis take pictures of himself, or even other people. "See," Hannah said, "me and Louis."

"I see," I said, "did he give you this?" She nodded again. The atmosphere was filling with sadness. It was unhealthy and unpleasant. You could feel it trying to get to you, but you can't let it. Or else you'll be sad to. "Hannah can I ask you something?"


" you know where Louis went?"

The room filled with silence for a brief moment. Then she responded, "yeah." That response gave me butterflies in my stomach. The kind that doesn't make you feel good, but makes you sick. Now to keep the sadness from getting to me. I'm trying not to make her even more upset, so I'm being careful about my word choice. "He never told me where he went," I said softly. She looked up at me, with her tear stained cheeks. She stopped crying for a moment to find the words to say. "He-"

Then someone else knocked on the door. Thought I told the boys to stay downstairs. Hannah stopped talking to me, and focused her gaze on the door. "Come in," she said. I watched as the door quietly opened. Guess I was wrong, it wasn't one of the boys. Also, Hannah completely ignored my hint about wanting to know where Louis was.

"Hey Mal," Hannah said softly. Malory lightly smiled back, "hey." Hannah looked at me and gave me one of those 'why is she here' looks. I don't know how to explain it any better. Then again, Hannah doesn't know that Malory knows she's a vampire. She's probably still worried about hurting her or some shit. I'm here, so either way she won't. "You feeling better?" Malory asked. Hannah nodded, "yeah thank you." Guess she didn't fully hear what Malory just said.

Malory walked over to Hannah's side of the bed and sat down beside her. Now Hannah was in the middle of us. Hannah looked at me again. I could tell what she was thinking. She wanted to tell Malory everything. Well I guess she could but little does she know Malory already knows. I nodded to her anyway. She looked back at Malory, "hey, there's something I wanna tell you."

"I know," Malory responded. That answer surprisd Hannah. "You know what?"

"I know you wanna tell me something, and I know what it is," Malory said softly. Well damn, just come out with it then. "What do you know?" Hannah asked. Malory looked a little nervous to say, but eventually she did. "I know you're a vampire."mHannah looked a little surprised, but also kinda relieved. She looked at me, like I did something. Of course she would assume I told her, everybody suspects me. Then again I did kinda tell her so that isn't necessarily wrong.

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