Chapter 36

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Louis' POV

We went to the ocean first. Zayn, Niall and Liam wrapped Simons stoned body in sheets, and threw him in. I watched. Because he's stone, he sank quickly. He was finally gone for good.

We drove for hours after that, not saying a word to each other. Paul knew where we had to go. We would eventually get there, and we did. "Why are we at my house again?" Paul asked. Hannah smiled, "because, I'll show you why."

Harry used to live here, this was his home before it was Paul's. Hannah didn't take us here because she wanted to see the house, she took us here for something more then that. Something for Harry.

We got out of the van and followed Hannah into the woods. I had pulled the stake out of Harry's body, so now I'm just carrying his body. "Are you sure you know what you're looking for?" Liam asked her. She nodded, "yes, it's here. It has to be." We were going deeper and deeper into the woods behind Paul's house. Paul and Olivia followed us.

Soon enough, we saw it. It's still here after all these years. "What is it?" Niall asked. I lightly smiled, "a tree house."

Not a lot of people knew about the tree house. It was Harry's when he was just a kid. I knew, because I've been his friend since birth. Hannah came up to me, "I know I didn't know him like you did, but I know this. He loved it here. He showed me, before fright night. He was happiest here, so he should be buried here." I gave it a quick thought, then smiled. "I couldn't agree more."

Hannah's POV

We gathered some things for Harry. Liam and Niall went inside the tree house and got whatever they could find that belonged to Harry. All they found was some little kid toys. Olivia and Perrie gathered wild flowers. Paul and Zayn went back to the house to get candles and a sheet. Louis and I dug a hole. I also found a rock, that I wanted to make a tomb stone. The only thing I had to write with was blood. Louis offered to use his, and I didn't refuse because I know this means a lot to him. He cut his hand a bit, and wrote on the rock with his blood.

Harry E. Styles
1623 - 2013

It wasn't the best, but it worked. Louis healed soon after that. We wrapped Harry's body in the sheet Paul and Zayn brought, and put him in the hole. We then filled the hole with dirt, and put the tomb stone above it. Perrie and Olivia decorated his grave with wild flowers, and Niall and Liam put his belongings near his stone. Paul lit some candles and placed them all around. This was it. This is when it finally hit me. He's gone.

We all stood up and surrounded his grave. Nobody said anything at first, we just stared at his grave. Then, Louis spoke. "This isn't a funeral. I don't like funerals. They always make me feel so sad. I know Harry didn't like them either. He used to actually have mini funerals for some of his victims along time ago. He never wanted to hurt anybody. Instead, this is a memorial. We are going to remember him forever. We shouldn't cry, Harry wouldn't have wanted us to cry over him. He wouldn't have wanted us to be so sad. He would want us to be happy. To forget everything bad and be happy. After all, we won. That's all Harry cared about. So, let's be happy. For him. He would like that."

Niall and Liam were holding back tears, but they nodded. "Harry never wanted to hurt anyone," Liam said, "he was never selfish, even when we thought he was. He loved life. Sure, he had his ripper moments, but we all did. Harry was there for us. He believed in me when I didn't believe in myself. He saved me, with Hannah of course, but ultimately he wanted to do it."

"Harry was insane," Niall said, which made us all look at him oddly. Then he spoke again, "but I loved him. He always seemed to throw me under the bus but he had a good reason for it. He cared."

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