Chapter 27

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~~before you read note that it is not my intention to make you cry, but you might because this chapter is a bit emotional~~~ #SorryNotSorry


Olivia's POV

I ran as fast as I could down the trail. Perrie said to ditch the black cloak midway to the destination, which I still don't completely know where that is. I ditched it anyway behind a tree and continued to run forward.

I hope those guys didn't see me. They scared me so much. I don't wanna go back there, ever. I could've died, but I didn't. Thanks to Louis. He got me out; as a vampire, but still. I'm free again. I never have to go back to that horrible murderous place. I could run away right now. But, where would I go? And what would I tell my family? They think I'm dead. Everybody would question where I went and what happened to me and that would make me nervous. I can't just tell people I'm a vampire, it's common sense. Besides, the note Louis and Perrie gave me. They asked me to deliver it. I'm sure they know I could easily run away right now without delivering the message, but they trust me enough not to. I can't do that to them, they saved me. Well actually, more like killed me, then spared my death. This note must be really important to them. They told me everything I need to do. It's a pretty simple task except one thing. How do I know who I'm looking for? Am I supposed to just ask around for people named Harry, Zayn, Niall, Liam and Hannah? Those are pretty common names; well, most of them are.

I didn't really care at the moment. All I care about is not being seen. I ran faster and faster. Soon I found myself running so fast I couldn't feel the ground. It felt as if I was flying, but faster then the wind could even carry me. Then, I tripped.

"Ouch dammit" I said to myself. I was laying on the ground. Blood was running down my chin from my nose, and my arms and legs were scraped pretty bad. I wanted to cry for help but suddenly the pain started to ease. I watched as my wounds healed, right before my eyes. My nose had stopped bleeding and I could feel it pop back into place. I must have broken it. It felt weird to heal that fast, but it was incredible. I couldn't even find the words to say. "Huh" was the only thing that came out from amazement.

I stood back up and this time, I walked. Its November but the air was comfortable. I reached for the note that was in my pocket and took it out. Now, I care about who I'm looking for. Louis had described them but he didn't do the best job at it. 'Curly haired ass hole, a mysterious lad with ninja hair and tattoos up the wazoo, a blonde, a smart ass replicating david Beckham, and a princess who I fell for.' His exact words, and what he wrote down on another piece of paper for me. The only thing that makes it easier is David Beckham because I can picture someone's face.

Perrie had also given me a description of them, but hers is even worse. 'They're all cunts, but one of them stole my heart. I've only seen the girl once, in her mind. She's lovely but I vaguely remember much of what she looks like so Louis can tell you about her.'

Wow that really helps. No really.....not!

I heard footsteps and the sound of branches cracking on the ground. Weird thing is, it wasn't from me. I stopped to listen and the footsteps continued to grow louder. I couldn't tell where they were coming from. I hid behind a tree and watched to see if anyone was there. Soon, a boy appeared in front of me. He was mumbling on about something. I don't know who he is, but he smells like dog. He also didn't seem to happy. "Never wanna see a vampire again," he said just loud enough for me to hear. Wait, I'm a vampire! Who is he? Maybe he can help me, but then again he apparently hates vampires. That probably isn't a good idea, so instead I'll sneak away from him.

I started slowly walking away from my hiding place, which was a basic tree. I took a bad step, and cracked a branch. The boy looked in my direction and I quickly returned to my original spot behind the tree. "Who's there?" He called out. I didn't respond, nor did I move. "I can smell you. Come to take me back blood sucker? This isn't your land ya know, I'm allowed to be here so leave me be." I didn't know what he was talking about. "Show yourself!" He shouted. He was starting to scare me. "Fine ignore me," he said a little less loud. He started walking away again. Nows my chance.

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