Chapter 16

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Hannah's POV

My head is throbbing. I can barely move at all. Every time I open my eyes, I see the devil staring back at me. Or is it just Harry? I don't know. Closing my eyes doesn't help, it creates more darkness. I would rather see what's really there, then a hallucination.

I opened my eyes and all of a sudden I was in a different place. I was laying in the street. I sat up and looked around for any sign of life. I didn't see anybody. I looked for road signs to see where I was, but there weren't any. I stood up on my feet. There was a diner across the street. Maybe I could call someone for help from a pay phone. I decided to take my chances, so I ran over to the diner and went inside. There was barely any people inside. Only a few people, dressed in old fashioned clothes. I felt out of place. I asked one of the waitresses for help. "Excuse me? Do you have a pay phone?"

"Pay-phone?" The waitress asked, sounding out her words. "Nope, don't got any of those here." Well that's strange. Maybe this is one of those old fashioned towns without cell service. "Well do you have a cell phone? Or is there no service?" I asked. The lady was getting really confused, "look, I don't know what that is hun, but I have tea." Ok, this was starting to get weird. Why does everyone look like they just died? They're all dressed in fancy old fashioned clothes, and I don't see a single soft drink machine.

I turned around to see if there was a calendar on the wall. There wasn't. "Ok well can you tell me the date today?" I asked. "November 4th," the waitress responded. "What year?" I asked. The waitress raised an eyebrow at me, like I was insane. Then she responded, "1954." What?! That can't be possible, I wasn't even alive yet in 1954. "What city?" I asked. "Chicago," she replied. I was starting to lose my mind. I've never been to Chicago. I looked down at my clothes, and realized they were now old fashioned just like everyone else's. "Sweetie are you feeling alright?" The waitress asked. I shook my head without responding, then I rushed out the door. I started running down the street. Then I heard something.

Somebody screamed. It was coming from behind an alley way. I couldn't help myself but be a little curious as to who. I slowly walked towards the alley. Then I heard another scream, followed by a sentence. "Hannah help me!"

"Malory?!" I yelled. I started running towards the alley faster. When I finally got there I saw what was really standing in front of me. It wasn't Malory, it was a test. Some random girl laid on the ground dead, and in front of her was a tall man, wearing all black. He looked at me, then started walking closer. I recognized him, "Harry?"

"I'm sorry," he said, "I don't think we've met." I backed up away from him, "Harry stop." His eyes were red, and his fangs were showing. "Stop what?" He asked. He walked closer and closer to me. Eventually, I couldn't back up any more, because of a wall. He grabbed me, and pulled me into his chest. "Harry I'm like you! Don't you remember me?" I asked. He smirked, "I think I would've remembered a face like yours. Also love, you're nothing like me, but you can be." I tried breaking his grasp, but I couldn't. He's too strong. I'm not a vampire in this fantasy. I kept telling myself, "this isn't real. It isn't real."

"Just say the magic words, and I'll make all your troubles disappear," he whispered into my ear. I started to cry. "Let me go Harry." He gave me a funny look, "how do you know my name anyway?" I continued to try and break free, but it was no use. His grip only got tighter. "Because we're friends," I said. He began to laugh, "I don't have any friends, only 4 brothers." He started scraping his fangs lightly down my neck. Not making a single puncture, not yet at least. "Now about you being like me, lets see what I can do," he said. Before I knew what he was doing, he but into my neck, hard. I tried screaming, but he covered my mouth. He pulled back for a moment so he could whisper a song into my ear. "You are my sunshine. My only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are grey." I kept crying, "Harry sto-"

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