Chapter 17

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~~~~~the next morning~~~~~

Harry's POV

Hannah's getting worse. She has a fever, and she can barely open her eyes. I'm afraid this might be her last day. Louis isn't even here. He's been gone all night and nobody seems to know where he is. Another thing that caught my attention was the fact nobody's talked about Mason in awhile. Liam won't let me see the little shit, I'm starting to get suspicious. Mason did mention there possibly being a cure. I'm sure Louis talked to him about it yesterday but nobody's mentioned anything since. Then again, nobody's seen Louis since.

My attempt at sneaking out to search for Louis was a fail. Hannah was asleep but every time I moved she started wining. The poor thing. If this is it then I want to make her last few hours the best for her. Starting with everyone she cares about being here for her. To bad I can't move much, but maybe if I'm quick about it she won't notice I left. I fixed her in a comfy position. Quickly and quietly I lifted her off me making sure not to wake her. I rolled off the bed and found myself staring at the floor. I got up and noticed her shaking a bit. I covered her with the covers but that didn't seem to help. She knew I was gone. I replaced where I was previously laying with a teddy bear. She latched onto it right away. Phew, that was close. I snuck out of the room down the hall and made my way over to Liam's room. I quietly knocked on the door, I'm not sure if he's awake yet. I didn't get a response so I'm taking that as a no. The door was unlocked so I quietly opened it and shut it behind me.

"Liam?" I whispered sneaking around his room. "Liam where are you?" He wasn't in his bed. I heard a noise coming from his bathroom. "Liam"? I whispered again. I quietly opened the bathroom door to reveal a girl brushing her hair. She saw me and jumped. I quickly shut the door, "terribly sorry, I thought you were Liam." She laughed, "it's ok, I'm dressed."

I opened the door again to see her, "Malory right? I'm terrible with names." I was lying, I did remember her name. I was hoping if I had forgotten about her she would forget about me and what I did to her. She nodded, "yeah, and you're Harry." Still crossing my fingers that she doesn't remember anything more then my name. I'm still shocked at the fact she's even here still. "Where's Liam?" I asked her. She furrowed her eyebrows, "umm, I think downstairs maybe. He said he needed to do something important."

"Alright thank you," I said. As I was about to leave Malory called my name. "Um Harry?"

"Yeah?" I asked returning to my original spot in the bathroom doorway. "Is Hannah up? Can I see her?" She asked me. She couldn't have asked at a worse time. I doubt Malory knows Hannah was bitten by a werewolf. I'm not sure if I should tell her or not, but I kinda feel like I owe her the truth. "Malory," I said with my head down, "there's something you should know about Hannah." She looked up at me concerned, "what is it?" I let out a sigh, then looked at the floor. I didn't want her to see my face. "Hannah's sick," I said, "she........she was hurt by a werewolf." The room went silent. I couldn't tell what Malory was doing because I'm facing the floor. I slowly looked up at her, and she looked both confused and terrified. "Is she going to die?" She asked as calm as possible. Her voice was still shaky. I shrugged, "I don't know anymore." The room once again went silent. Malory let tears escape her eyes. She has been with us for awhile, she probably is sick of crying. She wiped them off then faced me again. "You said werewolf. Doesn't that mean she's gonna turn into one?" Her tone of voice no longer sounded sad, it sounded angry. "Noooo?" I said curiously, "why would she turn into a werewolf?"

"Because don't humans turn into werewolves when they're bitten?" She asked. Oh my, I see what the problem is here. "Yeah but," I began, then I stopped to think. "You don't know do you?"

"Know what?" She asked. She started crying again. Crap, I don't know if I was supposed to say anything to her. Instead of answering her, I ran. I ran out of the room and started sprinting down the hallway. "Wait!" She yelled, "know what?!" She started running after me. I was running human speed hoping that would be enough to lose her, sadly it wasn't. She was pretty fast for a human. "Harry wait!" I heard her yell. I ran past Hannah's room. I didn't hear footprints anymore after that. I stopped at the end of the hall and looked back to see if Malory was following me still. She had stopped. She was looking into Hannah's room, staring at the disheveled girl laying in bed. Her pale skin, her sweaty body, not to mention the bite mark on her neck. Malory looked horrified, and furious. She looked at me with tear filled eyes. I started to run again, and Malory soon followed down the stairs. Zayn and Niall were in the kitchen having a snack when I ran by with Malory following. "Harry?" I heard Zayn ask. Both of them got up concerned and ran after me too. I must've been making a lot of noise to concern one of them. Or maybe it was the way I was running so quickly.

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