Chapter 31

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Hannah's POV

"Are you sure about this?" I asked. Harry nodded, "positive. They will see it."

"What if they catch us?"

"They won't."

"But Harry, what if-"

"They won't. Trust me. Just stick to the plan, I promise, nobody has to get hurt." We've been arguing about this for an hour. I looked down. "Except them," I mummbled. Harry smirked, then repeated my words. "Except them." He texted Liam, 'We're ready to start. Is it clear?'

Liam responded, 'yes, for now. Hurry!'

Harry and I were standing in the middle of a dark tunnel. It was creepy as hell. Why did we all agree to this plan? Although, it was the only logical plan that was shared. Niall had another one, but it was kinda ridiculous. Harrys plan actually could work. He always seems to have those crazy, yet logical plans. Take Fright Night for example. Harry is one insane genius for coming up with that. Then again, some of the smartest people in life, are a little insane.

If you're wondering what we are doing in a tunnel, then I can explain. Harry said we are "sending a signal, to indicate we aren't happy." I understand that, yet I don't get why it has to be here, of all places. Worst of all, I'm the look out right now.

"I'm just gonna go grab the blood bags. Stay here, I'll be right back," Harry said. I nodded. I was wearing a sweatshirt and jeans, with my hood up. I rubbed a bit of dirt on my jeans. "Here, let me help," Harry said. He grabbed a bit of dirt from the ground, and rubbed a little on my cheeks. "Sorry," he said, "you gotta be dirty. It hides your scent from them. But hey! You still look pretty!" I giggled a little, and rolled my eyes. Harry rubbed dirt on himself too. He gently kissed my head, "you'll be fine. I'll be right back, okay? Just keep watch for me." I nodded again, despite this whole plan terrified me.

I took a seat on the cold ground. My back rested against the tunnel wall. I was desperate for Harry to come back. I'm not sure why he didn't just bring the bags down here when we got here, but he didn't. He was waiting for the right time.

It was really quiet. The silence was growing heavier. It was making me really uncomfortable. I couldn't help but feel partially alone. Sometimes silence is violent, because it makes you think about things you don't wanna think about. Although, the only thing that was on my mind, was someone who I couldn't stop thinking about. Louis..... He was the reason behind this plan. Part of me wants to believe we can save him, but the other part isn't budging. I'm scared. What if it's too late to save him? What if he's already gone? I know he's not dead, but Simon has done something horrible to him. The voices in my head keep whispering things to me, about Louis. It ranges from good things, to bad.

'He's still alive.'

'He's gone, sweetheart.'

'He's looking for you. Find him!'

'Louis doesn't remember you.'

'You can save your love.'

'He belongs to the darkness.'

No. He doesn't belong to the darkness, he's good. He belongs to the light. Louis belongs to the light, and when darkness comes, stay near the light. That's what I'm trying to do, but these thoughts are taunting me. Haunting me. Because of Louis..... Louis...... Louis..... LoUIS....... LOUIS!

I began to cry, silently to myself. I brought my knees up to my chest, and buried my head in them. I wasn't just sad, I was also mad, and afraid, and alone. I was every emotion possible. Being a vampire doesn't help in this situation. My anger was building up inside me. I could barely contain myself.

Bloody Love (Sequel to Fright Night)Where stories live. Discover now