Chapter 15

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Louis POV

"You aren't actually doing it are you?" Liam asked me. I nodded while I packed, "I have to." Liam's a man of reason, so that response won't be enough for him. "You don't have to," he said, "you have a choice."

"If I don't go Hannah will die," I responded. "But Louis, what if Masons bluffing? What if you die?"He asked. I chuckled. Masons not bluffing, but Liam doesn't know that. Even if Mason was, it's not like I have anything to lose other then the boys. But he's not, because he can't.

"He's not bluffing, even if he was I wouldn't care. If I stay here Hannah will die, and If I go there I have a chance of potentially saving her. In other words, if I stay ill never know about that cure," I said. "But it's Simon. You don't know what he will want in trade for it," Liam replied. I shook my head and mumbled quietly, "oh I'm pretty sure I have and idea of what he wants." I didn't tell Liam the whole story that Mason told me, I only mentioned Simon having the cure. I didn't wanna worry him about me potentially not coming back. "Well how long will it be?" He asked. I shrugged, "maybe a day, but Liam it's very important you watch Hannah for me. Please." He nodded, "of course, but Louis, be careful mate." Typical Liam, always looking out for me. "I will," I responded, "oh Liam, one more thing. It is very crucial you don't tell the boys where I'm going. Especially Harry, I don't wanna worry him about Simon, you know how he will react." Liam nodded, "I promise I won't say a thing. Just be careful."

We said are final goodbyes and I grabbed my stuff. It's just a small bag, not like a travel suit case. You would think I should pack more, but actually I don't need much where I'm going. The bag is mostly filled with blood bags, vervain and wolfspane anyway. Blood bags are for food, vervain is for if any vampires bug me, and wolfspane is if Mason bugs me. Wolfspane acts the same for werewolf's as vervain does to vampires. I don't usually take it places because I never have use for it, until today. I don't have a lot of it, but I have enough to harm if needed.

Mason was waiting in the car. I put the child safety lock on so he wouldn't escape. He's to weak to break the door down. I walked to the door and waved to Liam. "Remember, if the boys or Hannah ask where I've gone, just tell them I went out," I said. Liam nodded, "ok!"

"Alright," I said. I'm actually not scared to go, I'm terrified. I don't know what's gonna happen from here. Just to be sure, "and Liam, I know I don't say it enough, and this may sound a bit cheesy but......I love you." Liam raised and eyebrow at me, "um, love you too Lou." He thinks I'm weird I know. "Tell the boys and Hannah I love them. Okay bye!" I yelled the last part as I walked out the door. I went straight to the car so I'm not sure if Liam said anything back. Probably just 'bye'. Then again he doesn't suspect anything.

When I got in the car Mason was playing with his thumbs. "Alright where from here?" I asked. He slowly looked up at me, "same place as always." Of course it is. What he really means is the mountains, near Paul's house. Simon doesn't live there, but it's where we can find some of his.....friends? Servants? Well I don't know what to call them, but they can take us to him. I started driving down the road. Paul's house is pretty far actually, I haven't been there since...well, Fright night. If I'm remembering correctly, I saw someone on fright night. A girl, yeah I remember. I'm not sure who she is, but maybe if I see her again she will take me to Simon.

"Can we get some food?" Mason asked. His tone of voice was so innocent. I rolled my eyes, "from where?" I'm not sure if he was serious or not, but he replied with "Taco Bell." I have never had that before, but I've heard of it. Then again I rarely eat human food. I only did while Hannah was human. "Where's a Taco Bell?" I asked. Mason pointed to a building down the road. It was purple and green, and had a weird symbol on it. It was disgusting. I've never actually told myself this before but, I feel old. "Just pull in the drive thru," he said. I did what he asked, and he ordered some tacos and a drink. Then he payed, and we left. "Want some?" He asked, as he waved a taco in my face. "Are you serious?" I asked. He nodded, "yeah, I know it's not really your thing blood sucker, but tacos are pretty good." Blood sucker huh? Fine. I shrugged, "fine, maybe 1." He handed me one. I'm not sure how I'm supposed to drive and eat a taco. It's a challenge. I took a bite of it. It's not bad actually, huh."Your first taco?" He asked. I nodded. Probably my last too.

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