Chapter 29

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Harry's POV

The sun was shining in through the window on my face. It was pissing me off. Then I realized, it's morning. I actually slept all night. Well sort of, I woke up once for Hannah. She had a bad dream. I rolled over to see if she was still sleeping, but I got a surprise instead. She wasn't there. I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't missing something. Nope, she really wasn't there. She must've gotten up sometime in the night. I sat up and rubbed the back of my head. I looked around for a minute. The door was wide open. I immediately got up and walked to see if anyone else was here. I was only wearing my pajama pants and boxers and my hair was a mess, but I didn't care.

As I walked down the hall I noticed Zayns door was also open. I peaked inside to see if maybe he was in there, but he wasn't. This was weird. I looked at the clock on Zayns night stand. It was only 9:30. That's early for him, he should be in bed. I continued my walk down the hall. No sound could be heard other then my own feet hitting the ground, and me breathing. Yeah vampires breath, although I'm not sure we need to.

I walked downstairs next. The main hall was dead silent. "Hello?" I called out. I got no response. I walked into the kitchen. There was nobody there but me. Then I tried the living room. I was alone. Liam left the book he was reading on the table. It was the bible. Can't blame him I read it three times after becoming a vampire.

This was seriously starting to concern me. Nobody was here. I walked back into the main hall. "Hello!?" I shouted this time. Still nothing. Silence filled the air. It was intoxicating. "Where Is everyone!" I shouted. Still nothing. I walked down another hall to look in the library. The door was still cracked from when Louis locked us in there. I dragged my fingers down the crack gently, it made me sad again. Anyway, nobody was in there. I walked back in the main hall once again. I keep ending up in here. "So no?" I called out, "nobodies here? Okay." This time I got something. "They left Harry," a voice said, it was a female voice, but not Hannah's. I turned around to see a girl walking down the stairs. I knew her. I had almost forgot she was still here, she never comes out. "It's just us," she said. I gave her an odd look, "Malory."

"That's me," she responded, "I'm surprised you remembered." I chuckled a little, "I never forget a face, and usually don't forget names either. Anyway, where did they go?" She didn't answer right away. I raised an eyebrow, "something wrong?"

"No" Malory said, "I'm just not supposed to say. They wanted us to stay here." Huh. Funny how she thinks I won't get it out of her. "Well darling, keep in mind who the vampire here is."

"I'm not afraid of you, and I drank vervain so you can't compel me."

"Didn't say I was going to compel you, and you should be afraid. Although I can't kill you because Liam's love is bound to you, I have other ways of getting what I want."

"What exactly are those other ways?"

"Do you honestly wanna find out?"

My eyes began turning red. I made sure she saw the change. She backed up a little but not enough, "you aren't gonna do anything Harry." Scaring her is doing something. Sadly, she's getting used to me, and I don't like that. I used to be scary Harry, now I'm just Harry. The boys have softened me, or maybe it was Hannah. Yeah it was probably Hannah.

"Malory I'm serious where are they?" I asked. She shook her head and crossed her arms. Okay, I see how it's gonna be. I allowed my eyes to turn back to green. I quickly grabbed my coat of the hanger and put it on. Then I grabbed a smaller one and tossed it to Malory. "Put it on," I said. She hesitated, "what are you doing?"

"Well if you won't tell me then I'll have to go look for them, and you're coming with me," I said. Malory shook her head, "I'm not going anywhere with-" but she was cut off. I had no choice but to force her to put her coat on. I then grabbed her arm and pulled her with me to the door. "Harry let go of me!" She shouted trying to break my grip. I giggled, "Fighting won't help you, I'm stronger then you." That didn't stop her from trying, but eventually she got tired and she allowed me to pull her along.

Bloody Love (Sequel to Fright Night)Where stories live. Discover now