Chapter 21

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~~November 1645~~~

Harry's POV

I started running down the hallway as fast as I could. I could hear servants yelling from behind me. "Get him!" They yelled. I was terrified. I didn't know where else I could run to, I was already in deep trouble. The faster I ran, the more lost I became. I'm running into parts of the castle I've never even seen before. I found a spare room and quickly went inside and shut the door behind me. The servant guards ran right past the room without even realizing I was in it. I let out a sigh of relief.

I backed up in the room a little ways and I found myself running into what seemed to be a person. I turned around frightened, then realizing it was only my friend. "Louis," I whispered, "you scared me." Louis focused his attention on the door, "Harry you can't keep running from them. They'll punish you."

"They can't possibly do any worse then what they've already done to me. We're dead Louis," I reminded him. "Yeah, and we have been for 3 years Harry. That's the least of our problems right now. The master will kill you next time you run! Really kill you," he responded. I heard noises coming from down the hall. Louis covered my mouth and brought me farther into the dark room. "Hush," he said, "they smell your fear." That doesn't help the fact I'm already afraid.

"Louis, if they see me they're going to-"

"I know Harry. I won't let them hurt you."

Before I knew it, I heard voices coming from outside the door. "His scent stops here," someone said. I started shaking in Louis' arms. Even my black cloak couldn't hide my fear. The door nob started turning. As soon as it opened, Louis had pulled me up right, and made it look like he had captured me. "Play along," he whispered to me. The servants started coming in. "Found him!" One shouted. I squirmed in Louis' arms, but I'm pretty sure I was supposed to do that. Louis made his grip a bit tighter, making it harder to stand still. "Why do you need him?" Louis asked them. One of the servants walked closer to us. I squirmed again, but Louis held me still. "He refuses to sleep again," the servant responded, "so hand him over, and we will take him back to his room for the procedure."

Louis started chuckling. The fact the servant said 'again', was what Louis was laughing about. I've never really been one for much sleep, so I've broken this rule about 100 times in the last 2 months alone. Just imagine how many times I've done it in the last 3 years. Louis knew that. It really pisses people off, which is partially my goal. "Well I caught him," Louis said, "so I'll take him back. I'll even hold him down during the procedure." This wasn't going very well. I mind messaged Louis, 'what the hell are you doing'?

He responded 'I'm sorry Harry, you can't keep doing this I don't wanna see you get hurt anymore. At least if I take you, I can get you another warning. It won't hurt as bad, I promise'.

Hearing that, even though it was in my head, still made me shiver. I wanted to run, even away from Louis, but that would make things seem even easier for him. It would show rebelliance on my part, and that would give Louis more gain. So I played along, because for some reason part of me still trusted him. "Cmon then," the servant said, "take him. We'll follow you." Louis made me walk in front of him, he never let go of me. Eventually we reached my room again, and I felt a sudden chill fall down my spine.

He took me into my room. Servants were giving me funny looks as we entered. It scared me so much. The master was waiting beside my bed. He looked at me, making eye contact, almost impossible to break. He shook his head at me, "oh Harry. What are we going to do with you?" Hopefully nothing too horrible. Louis took me to my bed. "Lay down little one," the master said. Louis let go of me, but I hesitated to listen. "Harry," Louis whispered. It was an indication for me to do as I'm told. Usually Louis breaks the rules with me, so if for any reason he follows them, it's probably in my best interest to follow them too. I slowly sat down on my bed. It was all out of fear. Louis pushed me down, making me lay across my bed. "Good boy. Now hold still" the master said. I started shaking. I watched him reach his hand out to me, that's when I began squirming. Servants started to surround me and hold me in place. "I got him," Louis told them. The servants let go, and Louis took their place by holding both my arms down. "Stop fighting me Harry, it's going to be ok," he said. The master agreed, "absolutely. You just need some sleep boy, you're just a baby." It kinda sucks being the youngest vampire in the castle. I mean, me and Louis were turned the same day, but I'm younger by age either way.

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