Chapter 35

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Hannah's POV

Paul told us everything. What we needed to do to stop Simon, and after we stop him. I'm not gonna lie, I am terrified, as I should be. If this plan doesn't work, then that's it. We all die, or bow down to Simon and become his blackened slaves. I'm not gonna let that happen. This is the only way.

"Are you ready?" Louis asked. I nodded. No matter if I was or not, I have to be. For him. For everyone. This is my life, and now I gotta fight to keep it. "Hey, don't be scared. I'm gonna be right here no matter what happens. Everything's gonna be ok," Louis said. But that's the thing, I feel like even after this is over, even after we win IF we win, everything will still not be ok. I feel like I'm losing something either way, but what? Maybe nothing. Maybe I'm just thinking too much.

"You have to go now, before its too late," Paul said. We both nodded. Paul agreed to take Olivia with him, so she didn't have to witness anymore of this horror show. She didn't agree at first because of Niall, but she eventually complied. It's cute in a way, because it's obvious they like each other. Anyway, that's beside the point.

"Let's go then. Better now then ever," Louis said. I agreed but I didn't move. Louis had to grab my hand and pull me with him. "I know you're scared, but think about us. Our family. We can't watch anymore people die. You gotta be brave, for me, for everyone. I know you can do it love," Louis said. I nodded, and although I didn't believe it, I said, "I can do it."

Louis planted a warm kiss on my lips. "Hey, I love you," he said. "I love you too, Louis," I said. He smiled, "good, because no matter what people tell you, no matter if it's some fairy tail shit or not, it's true. Love is the strongest thing on this earth, and that's what's gonna keep us alive."

"And what if we die?"

"What if."

I didn't respond after that, I just nodded. Louis is right, love is the only thing that can save us now. True loves kiss may not exist in real life, but love does. True love. And if we die? Then we die I guess. I mean, there really isn't anything I can do after that point. It's better not to think about it. It's just a big, what if.

I grabbed Louis' hand, and we ran down the hall as fast as we could. Here goes nothing.

Harry's POV

There has got to be at least 50 dead vampires in here, and that isn't even half of what is left. The council and Simon haven't moved from their thrones. All that's left is the 4 of us. Louis, Hannah, and Olivia ran off. Mason and Malory fought their battle and lost. 4 against 100 plus. We don't stand a chance, but I like to believe we do.

A vampire tried jumping on my back. I managed to knock him off, but that just made another jump on. I was growing weaker, and I could barely manage to fight back. Although, I didn't stop trying. Just then, another vampire swung for the one on my back, and knocked him clean off me. Soon after that he killed him. "Thanks," was all a managed to get out, before I realised I didn't know this vampire. He looked at me and smirked. My first thought was, this guy killed the other guy because he wanted to be the one to kill me, but I was wrong. He patted my back. "I'm not here to hurt you kid, I'm here to help you. My names Aiden, I guess you could say I'm a friend."

"I'm Harry, and how can I be so sure?" I asked. Aiden smirked, "I know who you are, and although we've never met, the master always has stories about the great sleepy Styles. Anyway, maybe you can't be sure, but I'm sure you can trust her." He looked over at a female vampire who was kicking some guys ass. She looked familiar. That's when it hit me. She looked over at us for a second before she ripped off some guys head. "Perrie," I said under my breath. Aiden patted my back again, "she's a fighter. Much like your friend Louis."

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