Chapter 26

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Louis POV

I made my way up the basement stairs with Olivia following behind me. I peaked my head out looking to see if anyone was walking down the hallway. Coast was clear, I think. I looked back at Olivia. "You ready?" I asked. She nodded. I could tell she wanted to get this over with. "Got the note?" I asked. She nodded again, and showed me what was in her pocket. "It's right here."

"Okay one more thing Olivia. The vampires here have a stupid rule, you gotta lust for me babe," I said. She looked at me confused. I forgot, she doesn't know what lust means. I explained, "it means you gotta have red vampire eyes, and your fangs have to show."

"I thought I already looked like that," she said. I chuckled a little, "you did when you first turned. Now you look normal again."

"Then how do I 'Lust'?"

I had to think of a good way to explain that. For me I just do it. "Close your eyes" I said, "And use your senses. See, hear, and feel everyone around you. Smell the blood from everyone around you." I was the only one around her, but it doesn't matter. When she opened her eyes, they were red. It worked. "Good girl. Now keep them like that. Lets go."

The plan is set.

We started walking down the hallway. Olivia's cloak was a tad too big but it will do fine. She walked directly beside me, and acted as if I was some big important person who could get her out of here easily. Truth is, it won't be easy, and I'm only important to Simon. It almost feels like two newbies walking down the hallway like they know everything. Like a high school freshmen, only they don't act like they know things. They're scared. Olivia was scared, so I had to be the brave one for both of us.

We got to a corner with a lot of vampires walking around the halls. If she can't pass them, she won't pass the door. "Just act normal. Like a person, only you have fangs," I said. She nodded. We started walking further down the hall. If we wanted to blend, we have to be like everyone else. Although, the only one of us who actually could blend is Olivia considering everyone knows who I am. Yeah sure, we got a few strange looks, but not as many. Nobody recognized Olivia luckily. Not that they should, but they might have seen her yesterday when Simon handed her over to me. I gotta admit I was weary about even walking next to her because of what people might think, but this is actually going well. Too well? I'll go with it.

I could hear Perrie in my head. She was mind messaging me, 'you there yet?'

'Not yet' I thought, 'almost though. Come up.'

'And nobody is weary?'

'Doesn't seem like they care about us.'

I was thankful enough to say that but all that could change at any given second. We were so close to the main hall. I'm not sure if Simon is in there but it doesn't matter as long as we get in. 'Don't be nervous' I said to Olivia with my mind. She didn't know how to respond with her mind so she looked at me and nodded.

We finally arrived to the main hall. Sure enough, Simon was in there, sitting on his throne. I MEAN seat, crap I said throne. Me and Olivia just watched. We can't go in until Perrie gives us the signal. We waited a few minutes until Perrie walked into the room from another door. As soon as she was spotted servants stood up and walked towards her. "Perrie, what are you doing up here?" Simon asked as he stood up. Perrie got on her knees, "I'm sorry Master, it's just so dark and cold down there. I wanted to ask for some fresh air, only for a few minutes."

Simon didn't looked amused. Perrie was trying her best to act weak and helpless to get him to latch onto her. "Fresh air you say?" He asked. Perrie nodded, "yes master. I swear only for a moment." I know Simon is weary about this whole idea of 'fresh air', but he still ended his curiosity with a smile. "Don't you have enough air down there?" A servant asked her. Perrie glared at him. "Now hold on," Simon said, "I believe that's fair. Perrie has been good lately."

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