Chapter 9

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Hannah's POV

I stared at the man called 'Mason' for a little bit longer. Louis opened the door a bit wider and looked at Liam. Liam nodded, "yeah I know him." Mason smirked and returned staring at Louis. "Yeah alright come in," Louis said quietly. Mason took one step through the open doorway and already made me weary. He walked over to me Mal and Liam. "Liam," he began reaching out his hand, "it's been awhile." Liam shook his hand and smiled, "why yes it has." I'm guessing the 'important message' is for Liam.

"How's the pack been?" Liam asked. Mason shook his head, "not good, that's why I'm here. I need your help." Before Liam could ask why, Mason looked at me. He smiled, "why hello there. I don't believe we've met before. I'm Mason." I stared at his hand, which was reaching out to mine. I decided to shake it, "hi. I'm Hannah." Louis was now standing beside Mason, giving him a nasty glare. "And I'm Louis." Mason released my hand and turned to him, smiling. "Yeah I've heard of you, you're wardens favourite vampire." Wardens favourite vampire? I'm not sure what that means, but I'm guessing Louis knows. "No need to remind me, just give Liam the message," he said. "Gladly," Mason responded. I kept laying eyes on me, it was getting creepy. Malory was standing beside me. She was trying to tell if he was a vampire or not. I can gladly say he's not, but he's not human either. Looking at Louis' face right now, he wants to rip Masons head off for coming here, but he hasn't yet. If Mason was human, I'm pretty sure he wouldn't even make it up the drive way.

"Let's talk in the kitchen privately," Liam suggested. Mason nodded and the two boys made their ways through the kitchen door. As Mason walked passed me I felt a cold breeze run down my spine. Something didn't feel right. Louis looked at me and Malory and gave us both nervous looks. Malory, being human, didn't know what was so dangerous about that boy, but she at least knew there was something wrong.

"Um, I'm gonna go upstairs and shower if that's ok, I'll leave you two alone," Malory said. She wasn't bothering us, she made it sound like she was a pain. I nodded anyway, "ok sure. We'll talk later."

And then there was two.. Just me and Louis, standing in the main hall. I have two major questions, just two, that I must have answered. It was bugging me. "What is he?" I asked. That was question one. Louis spoke quietly Incase Mason over heard. "A werewolf," he said. That explains the animal smell. I suppose werewolf's would smell like nature, considering they turn every full moon in the woods, or at least most do. Liam doesn't smell that bad but he's also a vampire so that probably hides the wolf scent. Now for question two. "What did he mean by 'wardens favourite'?"

I can only imagine what it would mean. Louis never told me his exact age but I know he's been here for awhile. It could mean something that leads back centuries. "It's nothing," he said. That doesn't answer my question. "Please tell me," I said. Louis sighed, "alright. Let's just say when I was first transitioning into a vampire, there was a man who helped me out. He was one of the most important vampires to ever exist, and if you crossed him he would kill you within seconds. He took all 5 of us into his home, and we lived there for about 6 years, until we finally escaped. He always told me that I was his favourite, and that I would do great things when I was older, great things meaning horrible things. It scared me so much that I couldn't stand to be around him, so I found a way out. To this day he's still looking for me, but he can't make me go back there even if he found me."

It wasn't the fact he escaped that got my attention, it was the last sentence he said. "Still looking for you? Louis, aren't you afraid he will find you and take you back?" I asked. Louis shook his head, "I learned to not worry about that kind of thing, besides, like I said, he can't make me go back, It's part of his vampire pride. He won't ever kidnap someone, he only makes deals with people to keep them there." Why do I feel like that's why Mason is here? It probably isn't, it's probably just me jumping to conclusions. Louis didn't seem to worried when Mason brought it up, he was just mad. Its not Louis' fault he's an important vampires pride and joy. I still don't see what makes this guy so much more important, but whatever.

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