Chapter 30

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Louis' POV

"Ermm." That was all I was able to say at the moment. My head was killing me. I tried to put my hand on it but I couldn't move. My eyes slowly began opening. I noticed I wasn't in my bed, I was somewhere else. My vision started to return to me. I looked around, and all I saw was a table with lots of different needles on it, and a door. I tried moving again but I got the same reaction as before; my body wouldn't move. I was on some sort of hospital bed, and not the good kind. I looked down at my arms and legs, and they were strapped down. I tried breaking myself free, but I couldn't. I was weak. I don't remember the last time I had blood.

I kept trying to break free but it was no use. I heard the door open, and I stopped struggling, and laid still. I closed my eyes, and pretended I was asleep. There was more than one person in the room with me, and they were talking.

"Why are we even doing this to him? He's gonna wake up soon."

"The master gave us orders, you know why."

"Are you sure he's the one?"

"He is definitely the one the master chose. Yes."

"Well can't we-"

"No Beth, we can't. You know why."

These people are annoying. Suddenly the door opened again and they stopped talking to one another. "Master," the female servant spoke. Oh boy. I heard footsteps walking closer to me. "He hasn't woken up master," the male servant said. The footsteps kept getting closer. Someone touched my hand, and I tried my hardest not to flinch. Then I heard laughing. It was Simon's laughing. "Silly boy," he said, "he's already woken up." Dammit.

I still played dead for him. "Louuuisss," he spoke softly, and said my name slowly and spread out. "Open your eyes Louis; I know you can hear me. Do as I say." Either way, if I choose to listen or not, I'm screwed. I still chose the better option though. I slowly opened my eyes, to find Simon looking up at me. His hand was still on mine, and I don't know why. I couldn't tell what color my eyes were. Usually when Im terrified like I am, they're red. I ran my tongue over my teeth, and sure enough my fangs were there; so I am lusting.

"Beth, Mathew, I think I'll take it from here," Simon said. They both said 'yes master' at the same time, and left us alone. Simon finally let go of my hand, and walked to the other side of me. "You've been out for awhile now," he said. "Do you know why?"

I didn't respond. "You were having behavioural issues again," he said, "so we restrained you." I still didn't talk to him. I clenched my hands into fists. That was pretty much the only movement I could really do other than slightly move my feet and head. He noticed my sudden action, and smiled. "You're upset, I can tell, but it will all be better soon," he said. What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

I watched as Simon gently ran his fingers over every needle on the tray. It terrified me, but I didn't show mercy. "You're very special Louis, you know that?" He said, as he picked up a fairly large needle. "You've always been special my dear boy, you just never knew it. From the moment I saw you, I knew you were gonna be the one to change our world. Today, we can finally show people what we are." What the fuck? This time, I did respond.

"What are you talking about?" I asked quietly. Simon smirked, "vampires Louis. I'm talking about our species. For centuries humans have walked the earth unaware of vampires existing. Acting as if they were the superior race. Now, we can finally have what we have always dreamed of. A vampire dictatorship. We can rule the world! We just need one thing to make that happen... You." Oh my god. Simon has officially hit crazy. Vampires can't rule the world! I happen to like the world as it is.

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