Chapter 24

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Hannah's POV

So, Harry and I stayed out a bit later then we should have. He told me we would be back home around 3:30 AM, and it's already 7 AM. We pulled into the driveway and we slowly got off the motorcycle. "Now hopefully the lads aren't up yet, we gotta sneak inside," Harry said. I nodded, but I should probably mention, my sneaking skills aren't that good. I once snuck out of my house when I was 15 to go to a party, and my mom caught me the next morning on the back patio. Maybe being a vampire makes it easier.

Harry quietly opened the front door. Nobody was in sight, this is good. "why are we taking the front?" I asked quietly. "Because if they're up, then they already know we're gone, and they would expect us to take the back," Harry responded. Makes sense. Or even my bedroom window, but I think an alarm would go off. Anyway, Harry gently closed the front door and we both tip toed to the stairs. "Wait shh. I here someone," Harry whispered. He gestured me to turn back around and go into the kitchen instead. As I was tiptoeing to the kitchen door I ran into a book shelf. "Shh be quiet," Harry said, but you could tell he was trying not to laugh. I tried to hold it in the best I could but I couldn't. I giggled to myself. Harry started giggling too, but at the same time he was gesturing for us to be quiet. We both walked into the kitchen before anybody could here us in the main hall. "Do you think they heard?" I whispered, still slightly giggling. Harry shrugged, still giggling himself. Before he could give me a solid answer somebody else started talking. "Oh, we heard babe."

I suddenly stopped giggling and turned my attention to the three boys standing behind us. Harry, being as naturally pale as he already is, turned even more pale. I simply just froze there. Liam crossed his arms, and his eyes were planted on Harry. "Hannah, can we talk to Harry for a second, please love?" Liam asked. I hesitated, then I slowly nodded. I looked at Harry before I walked out, who didn't want me to leave him. I waited in the hall, outside the door. Clearly they know I can still hear them through the door, so they obviously are gonna do more then just talk to him.

Harry's POV

"Anything you wanna tell us?" Liam asked. I shook my head, "no." He was on to me. I started getting nervous. I hope it didn't show. Obviously, I wasn't supposed to leave. Liam is convinced I would go after Louis if I left, so I'm on lock down. That's why he's mad. "Are you sure?" He asked, "because I could've sworn Zayn told me a different story last night."

"And what did Zayn tell you?" I asked. Liam looked at Zayn, "I'll let him say." Zayn had this evil smirk on his face. Like he has pleasure in punishing me. Then he started telling the story..

"Well Liam, I woke up last night, and heard a noise....."

~~last night~~~

Zayns POV

Fuck, how much pee can a vampire hold? I'm dead, I can't imagine a lot. I headed down the hallway to the bathroom. I think it's like 3 am, maybe 4. Last time I checked it was early. I walked at my own pace, then suddenly I heard something coming from outside. There is a window at the end of the hall that looks out into the front yard. I pushed back the curtains to have a better look. Oh, and what do you know. Harry's trying to be sneaky. I focused my attention on him. I started to silently chuckle. "You're so stupid Harry," I said to myself.

"Whys he stupid?" Someone asked. I turned around to find Niall standing there. "Oh it's just you," I said reassuringly. Niall nodded, "yeah. Now why is Harry stupid?"

"Because he thinks he can sneak out without being caught," I said. I chuckled again. This time, Niall chuckled with me. "Really? Wow, you would think he'd know us by now," he said. I nodded, "yeah." Then I turned back around. I noticed something else. Harry wasn't alone, he was with someone. I stared at the other person for awhile until It finally hit me. It was Hannah. I stopped chuckling and made a more serious face. "Shit," I mumbled. "What is it?" Niall asked, "let me see." I slightly moved over a bit so Niall could peak out next to me. "Is that Hannah?" He asked. I nodded, "yup."

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