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Ok, I am going to do this group chat style because I like that style the best. Some of you may have seen this style before, others may have not and will catch on. I'm also only gonna do a few characters at a time. (Adding and deleting as I go). But as for my own personal questions I received, I will answer those normally at the end.

Starting with the boys.

Ok ready, go.


LouisTheTommo1 added Louis, Harry, Niall, Liam and Zayn to the conversation

LouisTheTommo1: hello guys, I am your interviewer, LouisTheTommo1

Louis: okieee, hello

Zayn: hi

Liam: hello

Niall: sup

Harry: I'm dead wtf am I doing here

Niall: Harry! You're back!

Harry: yeah, I know

Louis: HAROLD!

Harry: LEWIS!

Louis: don't fucking test me, boy

Liam: uh guys...

Harry: Lewis..

Louis: I mean it, I'm warning you.

Harry: about what, Lewis.

Liam: guys...

Louis: stop it Harold I mean it.

Harry: okay Lewis.

Liam: GUYS!

LouisTheTommo1: OKAY! We are done with that, let's start the interview. The first question is for Louis.

Louis: YEAHHH!

Niall: pshh, whatever.

LouisTheTommo1: alright, Christine94489 asked, "any plans with you and Hannah in the future?"

Niall: oohhhh

Louis: well yeah, actually. We are-

Niall: they're gonna butt fuck.

Louis: NIALL!

Liam: NIALL!

Harry: hahaha Niall

Zayn: they are not gonna butt fuck, Niall

Louis: why not?

Liam: LOUIS!


Louis: I MEAN, we can if we want, I'm not against it

Harry: I'm not against it ;)

Louis: HARRY!

Liam: LOUIS!

Louis: WHAT!?

Zayn: I'm telling Hannah you said that

Louis: NO DONT!

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