Chapter 2

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Hannah's POV

I looked around at my surroundings. I could see every little detail on everything. I'm not sure how or why, but I liked it. I listened carefully and I heard birds chirping. They were a good mile away. I couldn't help but smile and laugh a little. Everything happened so fast but it was extraordinary. "All of your senses are heightened," Louis said, "so you can do incredible things. You're faster, stronger, smarter, anything you could ever imagine being. You're even stronger then me right now considering you're a new born." New born. Now I really feel like a baby. A really strong baby. But I don't feel so bad, Louis was a new born at one point in his life.

Everything just seemed more amazing now. I wanted to run, run fast. I'm not sure how to do it. "I wanna run," I told him. He can't read my mind anymore, unless I let him. I know that because Harry demonstrated before. "Alright," he said. He stood behind me and held on to my waist. "All you have to do, is push off with all your might. Then just let go. You'll feel like you're flying," he whispered into my ear. I wasn't sure what he meant by that, but before I could ask him he was gone. I looked around for him, "Louis?!" I didn't see him, and he didn't respond. I remembered what he said about my senses. I closed my eyes and listened around. I could hear something, just barely. He was running. I opened my eyes and sniffed the air. I could smell him. I started running in that's direction. It didn't feel like I was running fast but I ran as fast as I could. 'Dont be afraid' I heard a voice say in my mind. It was Louis mind messaging me. I ran faster and faster, and pretty soon I zoomed past everything. My senses allowed me to see what was in front of me so I didn't run into anything. I still didn't see Louis, but I knew where he was. I just have to let go.

I ran up a big hill past what felt like a million trees. I wasn't tired yet. I saw a mountain up ahead. I ran to the mountain and without even thinking I climbed it. I climbed it so fast I reached the top within seconds. I stopped at the top and looked around again. This is where Louis' scent stopped. Atleast I hope it's his scent. "You found me," a voice said. I looked behind me and saw a smiling Louis. I smiled too. "How do you feel?" He asked. I couldn't even describe the feeling. It was amazing. Everything was brighter and newer to me. I smiled, "free."

"Good answer," he said. Then he did something that put me in shock. He jumped. He jumped straight off the mountain. I couldn't see the bottom past the trees. I guess there's only one way to find out where he went. I was terrified but I wasn't worried about dying anymore. I felt confident. I turned around and spread my arms out wide. Then I did one of those trust exercises, and fell backwards off the mountain. I could feel myself fall, the air rushed past me. Before I knew it I landed in somebody's arms. When I opened my eyes I saw Louis. His eyes were red again. I'm not really sure about mine, I don't know how to tell yet. I can only imagine they are. I could tell something was wrong. "What's wrong?"

"I'm Hungry," he said. I guess that's normal for a vampire, but there's nothing to drink here in the middle of the woods. Wait a second..... I can smell it. A hiker, not far from here. "I know what you're thinking but you're gonna have to do it eventually babe. Cmon, I wanna show you something anyway" Louis said. I was scared. I didn't wanna say no, but I didn't wanna say yes either. But the hiker, his blood. Oh boy....


A/N hii. Lol that was longer then 5 minutes sorry. Chapter 3 will be here in like 20 mins cause I gotta eat dinner. Hope u like the book so far:) tell me what you think. Is it a good sequel so far? :)

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