Chapter 25

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Louis POV

"Hey kid?"

"Kid you there?"

"Time to wake up Louis."

This has been going on for 10 minutes. Only 10 and it's already pissing me off. He won't stop nudging my body to wake me up. It's annoying. I made an "ermm" sound to indicate I'm already sort of awake. He stopped nudging me.

"Seriously Louis, wake up sleepy head."

I slowly began to open my eyes. Only to show him that I'm awake, but I'm annoyed and I would like him to leave me alone. "Hey! It's alive"! Aiden said, "ha more-less." I see what he did there but I don't find It funny. I made another "ermm" sound as I rolled the other way. "Hey that's no way to treat your watcher. Besides, I brought you some food" he said. I don't care, and I'm not hungry. "Go away," I mumbled. The only thing Aiden did was laugh. I rolled my eyes and then closed them once again. I heard a sudden 'whoosh' sound pass by me. It made me curious. I slightly opened my eyes once again to find Aiden staring at me. He must've been the whoosh sound. "You know, just because you roll over doesn't mean you can ignore me," he said. Actually, I can ignore him anyway.

I kept my eyes open and glared at him. Not sure why I didn't just go back to sleep. "Awe look at those pretty eyes" Aiden said sarcastically, "those big, BLUE eyes. Um Louis, you know the rules kid". Oh yeah, about that..... I wanna smack whoever made that rule. It's uncomfortable lusting all the time. But I did it anyway because I don't wanna get in trouble. "There we go" Aiden said, "now be a lad and get up will ya?"

Being as stubborn as I am I still refused. "C'mon Louis it's noon," Aiden said. That's when I finally broke from being stubborn. "Noon?" I asked. Aiden only nodded. I was supposed to Meet Perrie at noon! Shit I'm late. I quickly sat up And pulled the covers off me. "Wow someone's in a hurry. Next time this happens, I'll start by saying the time" Aiden said. I ignored him as I stood up and walked over to my shoes. "Why the sudden rush?" He asked. I shook my head, "no reason. It's just late."

"Well it's noon but I find that quite early," he said. I chuckled a little to myself, "yet you got me up?"

"Because we don't need that much sleep. I thought you were in a coma. Anyway, you should be set for a good 3 days now," he responded. Yeah, I'll pass on that. I like my sleep, dead or alive. Anyway, I gotta go to Perrie. I began opening the door. "Where do you think you're going?" Aiden asked. Shit, how am I supposed to ditch him. "On a walk," I responded. Aiden didn't seem to buy it. "On a walk you say? Where about?" He asked. I turned around and glared at him. The fact I was lusting made me look even more pissed. "Alone" I said. I didn't feel obligated to tell him where I was going even if I had to lie. "Well what about your food?" He asked. "I'll drink it later," I responded, "just leave it." It was just a blood bag, surprisingly.

"Well don't do anything stupid then kid. If you need me I'll be in my chamber, right down the hall," Aiden said. I nodded then walked out. The fact he said chamber made me feel like it was 1642 all over again. Why can't we just say room? Whatever.

I quickly made my way down the hall. I was already late. I got a few weird looks as I passed by other vampires. I could only assume it was either because I was new, or they recognised me from 300 years ago. I ignored them either way. I reached the stairwell to the basement. Before I went down I made sure I wasn't being followed, and if anybody was watching me. Everything was clear. The basement seemed colder then before, and I was down here just yesterday. When I reached the split hallways, I remembered to take the left hall. The dim light was still flashing like before. As soon as I reached Perrie's room I attempted to knock, but the door opened on its own. "You're late" she said. I entered the room. "Close the door Louis," she said. I did as she asked. "Sorry I slept in. I'm here now." Obviously she knew that.

Bloody Love (Sequel to Fright Night)Where stories live. Discover now