Chapter 6

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Louis' POV

Bed time for me. Hannah already fell asleep a little while ago. I wasn't really that tired until just a few minutes ago. I decided to give her some space, she's been through a lot recently. Ill go sleep in my own bed. Something I've noticed lately, nobody in this house besides for Hannah rarely ever sleeps in their own bed! I'm usually crashed in Hannah's room with her, Zayn sleeps wherever he was last, Nialls on the couch late at night from watching the Telly, Liam sleeps on a chair in his room because he thinks it's more comfortable, and Harry doesn't really sleep, he just roams around the hallway. On rare occasions you will see us actually in our givin bed. This isn't just a recent thing, it's been going on for awhile. The thing that worries me the most is Harry, because he literally sleeps once a month. A few nights ago he slept in his bed, but he usually patrols the halls until he's hungry. And I thought I had a sleeping problem.

I was walking back to my room, which I probably won't even recognize, when I heard something. It's midnight and almost everyone in the house is a vampire, nothing surprises me. I walked closer to where the sound was coming from. It was coming from around the corner. I turned down another hall to see who or what it was and what a surprise.....not really. It was just Harry, he stubbed his toe. I was gonna ask what he was doing up this late, but like I said before he doesn't sleep hardly ever. "You okay?" I asked quietly. He nodded, shaking it off, "yeah I'm fine. Why are you up, did I wake you?"

I may have said Harry doesn't sleep but I for one do. I cherish my sleep. "I was just walking back to my room. I was already awake." He nodded showing he understood. I saw him rub his eyes. I knew it! Harold is tired. He doesn't like to admit things though. "Why don't you actually sleep tonight mate," I suggested. He shook his head, "can't sleep. Too much on my mind."

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked. I'm not really one for listening to emotional stories, that's Liam's job, he's the caring one. I just thought I would try this time. If Harry would even give me the chance too. "Eh I don't know," he mumbled. That's a sign he does wanna get it off his chest he just doesn't wanna say it to me. He's been in a bummy mood lately, I hate bummy moods. There like poison to the brain. Something is seriously bothering him.

"Something's bothering you, now talk," I demanded. I tried to sound sympathetic. I made him sit down on the ground against the wall. I sat beside him. "Is it because of me? Hannah? Niall? Niall's all trouble," I said. He shrugged. "Ok so it is one of the three," I said. He nodded. He suddenly went mute, like this morning. I wish he wasn't so stubborn. He's acting like a child, and not because he died as one, but because he's stubborn.

"It's Hannah isn't it?" I asked. Harry looked at me, he was torn up. "What did she do?" I asked. Harry started to talk, "she didn't do anything, I did." I'm still kinda confused, Harry didn't do anything. If anything he helped. It was his idea to cure Liam. "What did you do?" I asked. He looked at the floor, then back up at me, "it's just......she's a vampire now. If it wasn't for me and my ideas she would still be human." He said that last part with shame.

So that's what this is about, he thinks it's his fault. I was kinda shocked actually. "Harry, she could've lived, but she wanted to be a vampire, it's not your fault, and your idea helped Liam. Besides, if anything it's my fault, I'm the one who turned her."

"Why would she want something like that?" He asked. At first, I couldn't answer that. I mean, I know why she chose to be like this, but I'm not necessarily sure she actually wanted to be like this. "Honestly, I don't think anybody wants to be a vampire," I began, "but sometimes, I think it's more about what you need, rather then what you want. So when I say she wanted it, she really only did what she had to do."

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