Chapter 34

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IM SORRY IF THIS CHAPTER IS A LITTLE EMOTIONAL. GOOD AND BAD. YEAH, THATS ALL I WANTED TO SAY. (It's not the last chapter though, just wanna make that clear).

Hannah's POV

He held me in his arms. His grip was tremendously tight. Every now and then, he leaned down and gently kissed my forehead, and whispered that it was gonna be alright. I had been crying, but I didn't want him to see, so my only option was to hide my face in his chest. That only seemed to make him happier. Stop it Hannah, he can't feel happiness! He is gone!

No he's not. He's in there still.

As we reached the main hall, Louis put me down. "Wait out here with her until I say it's okay," Simon addressed Louis. He nodded, "yes master."

I watched as Simon made his way into the main hall. I had the perfect view from the hallway, where I could see into the main hall, but nobody in there could see out into the hallway. A smirk instantly grew on Simons face when he saw what was waiting for him. "Well well well, what do we have here?" There were only a few vampires in there, but three in particular caught my eye. "Harry Styles, it's been some time hasn't it? Niall Horan too? Well if it isn't my lucky day," Simon pleaded. He walked over to the last of the three. "I don't believe I've met this one, your scent is familiar though. What's your name love?" She hesitated to respond, but she knew if she didn't she would get hurt. "Olivia." Her voice was quiet.

"Ahh Olivia, what a beautiful name, and a beautiful face." He forcefully lifted her chin so she was looking dead in his eyes. "Unfortunately, you've been a bad little newborn. You learn early love, that around here we don't go without punishment. That goes for the boys too."

He let go of Olivia's chin, and walked over to Niall next. "Hello Niall, good to see you again. I wish it could be under different circumstances, but that was your choices." Niall didn't respond, he just looked down. That was until, Simon grabbed his chin and made him look up. It was much more aggressive then the way he grabbed Olivia. It caught Harry's attention, and made him fear the situation even more. "Don't try to avoid the subject Niall, I know what you're thinking, and I know your every move. Be a good boy, and pay attention. I've had quite enough of your little games for one night. Do I make myself clear?"

Niall couldn't avoid Simons eye contact with him. He tried to nod, but it was no use. Simon wanted a vocal response. "Y-yes," Niall said. "Yes what?" Simon asked angrily. Niall had no choice, "y-yes master." Simon then let go of his chin, and smirked. "Good boy."

Lastly, there was Harry, who acted brave on the outside, but on the inside it was obvious he was terrified. He knew that if Simon could act that angry to Niall, there was no doubt he'd do worse to Harry. After all, his past with Simon wasn't exactly friendly.

"Harold Edward Styles." The words rolled off of Simons tongue slowly. He walked over to the curly haired boy, and to my surprise, smirked. He gripped both of Harry's arms, and that made Harry look up at him. "It's been a long time. Still getting into trouble I see." Simon leaned in closer to Harry, and whispered something in his ear that I could just barely pick out. "Do you have any idea what I've gone through tonight because of you?!" Simons whispered tone sounded angry. Harry didn't respond, he just closed his eyes tight. Simon continued, "you're lucky I have other plans for you, otherwise you'd be dead." When he said that last part, Harry gulped. Simon faced Harry, "awe, don't be afraid. I promise you after this, you'll never sleep again."

Harry couldn't help but respond that time. "Go to hell," he said quietly. Simon smirked, "this is hell, you're just too young to realise it, after all you're just a baby."

"I'm not a baby."

"Oh, but you are Harry, and you always will be to me."

Harry looked down at the ground. That only lasted a few seconds, before Simon grabbed his chin and made him look up. He whispered to Harry, "now, who am I?" Harry didn't respond, instead he cringed. Simon tightened his grip on Harry's chin, and that made Harry wince. "M-master." He choked on his own words.

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