Chapter 8

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Hannah's POV

I sat down next to Malory in the kitchen. She's in a good mood, that's a good sign. With my new heightened senses I could hear her stomach growl. Crap she's hungry. "Hey want something to eat?" Liam asked her. She nodded then turned to me. She was expecting me to say if I wanted something too. "Um no thanks," I said. Louis and Liam obviously knew why I couldn't eat human food right now, but Malory was concerned. "Han, you look like you need something, you're all pale and thin," Malory told me. I started getting nervous. "I'm fine really. I had something this morning, you should eat something." Malory, being the stubborn girl she is, doesn't like eating alone. She thinks it's weird and awkward. "No Han, if you're fine then I'm fine." I looked at the boys for some assistance. I can't let her starve herself just because I'm not hungry. Louis gave me one of those looks. I don't think he was hungry either, but him and Liam are the only two vampires in the room able to swallow a sandwich without vomiting. It didn't matter, this was my problem not theirs.

"Alright we will have two sandwiches then," I said. Malory looked at me and smiled. I nervously smiled back. Liam and Louis both looked at me like I was insane but they both understood why I did that. Liam got out the bread, ham and cheese. It was simple. He made us both sandwiches and quite honestly they looked delicious. He passed them to us, giving me the 'good luck' stare. Malory took a bite of hers. I slowly picked up mine and brought it to my lips. Well here goes nothing. It can't possibly taste that bad, I'm just not sure what exactly is gonna happen after I finish it. Ill probably get sick but who cares. I slowly took a bite of the sandwich. Actually, it wasn't awful. It tasted more bland then I remember a sandwich tasting like, and it was kinda watered down. I stand corrected, the after taste was horrid. It made me wanna jump off a bridge. But lets stick with the positives, I've had worse human food when I was actually human.

Malory finished her sandwich, and I soon finished mine. My stomach felt queazy, like something just exploded. I covered my stomach with my hand and pretended to enjoy every last bite. Louis looked concerned but he can't say anything, Malory doesn't know I'm a vampire. If she did she would never forgive the boys, and she would most likely blame Harry for everything. It would take awhile for me to explain myself so I have to wait for the right time.

"Did you enjoy it?" Liam asked. Malory nodded, "it was delicious." She looked at me when she said that last part. I nodded, "mmhmm. Yum." It was obvious I was lying.

Everybody in the room, other then Malory, knew I wanted to explode everywhere. I would have to get out of there before I explode on Malory. "I'll be right back, I have to pee," I said. Malory nodded. I looked at Louis as I ran out the door and he soon followed behind me. I ran straight for the bathroom, and didn't think before opening the toilet to vomit. Louis was in there shortly after, holding my hair up for me. "Oh babe, why did you do that?" He asked. I could only answer briefly before I vomited again. "Because she's my best friend."

"Well you're a good friend," he said. I knew what I was, he didn't have to say it, but he chose too anyway. Eventually I got the sandwich out of my system and no longer had the urge to spit my guts out. I sat down on the floor, I was a mess. Louis took a seat next to me and wiped my lips with paper towel. "You're alright. On the bright side, you'll get used to it, and eventually stop vomiting, you're already one step closer," he said. Well that's a relief. I giggled a little at the fact he was trying to make me feel better for helping someone out. It was cute.

"I'm ok. Besides, she can't know I'm a vampire, not yet," I said. He knew that. I leaned into him as he wrapped his arm around me. It was comforting, even though we're on a cold tile floor in the bathroom. Louis was warm compared to the atmosphere. It was, surprisingly cold. Too cold. Something wasn't right, but I just can't put my finger on it. I ignored the cold for a second to tune into Malory and Liam's conversation. I heard them talk about me.

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