Chapter 12

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~~~10 minutes earlier~~

Louis' POV

I know what Hannah's doing. She's just saying she wants water, what she really wants is me to go to sleep. She's hoping I will pass out while she's gone. Well I have news for you dear, it's not gonna happen. Any other night I would pretend to fall asleep for her, but tonight's different. There's a stranger in my house. That's not all, there's something else with him. I can feel it. Something horrible followed him here. Even by thinking about it to much, it makes me shiver. I buried my body under the covers even more until I was sure I was safe. It's something a little kid would do if they think they saw a monster. Sometimes I think I'm still a little kid. I'm the oldest in the house, but I see things the others don't. Occasionally Harry tells me if he sees something strange, he's different too. Then again, he's still an actual kid, in a way. A teenager can sometimes be considered a kid.

Wait I hear something. Harry's voice, crap. That means he's not sleeping. Whatever, I should probably go check it out. He's screaming and Harry never screams, ever. He's going to wake everyone up, unless they already are up. Never the less, I'm gonna go see the kid. Maybe the boys are having a slumber party without me. But when I got there, it was just the opposite....

~~~present time~~~~




Everyone was already there. Harry was choking Mason, holding him down against the wall. Liam, Niall and Zayn surrounded a body. Hannah's body. "Hannah?" I asked. Everybody looked at me. Harry and Liam had tears stained on their cheeks. Niall and Zayn were holding back the best they could. I was still confused about everything that was happening. All these depressed faces. I walked closer to Hannah, then I saw it. The huge bite mark on her neck. I know what happened. I know exactly what happened.

I walked closer to my girlfriend. She was motionless. The bite mark was already spreading. She wasn't conscious anymore, but something tells me she was before. Liam looked the most upset, mostly because he didn't know what to say to me. Well, there isn't anything he can say. I blocked out the world for a second. I couldn't hear anything anyone was saying. I only talked to my own conscience.

This isn't real. None of this is real. This can't happen to me twice. I told myself every lie possible until it got old. I started shaking. It felt like someone had just stabbed me in the heart. I wasn't upset, not even a little. I was angry, furious. I could never let this go. I was also terrified. Not of Mason, but of Hannah. The thought of her dying, it isn't something I wanna think about. It's not even something that should ever be thought of. Mason wasn't scary, I could easily end him. Oh I'm panning to, very soon.

I watched the other boys stare at me. They were talking to me, but I couldn't hear a sound. They were mostly saying my name, I could read their lips. Still, I ignored everything. My body was cold, and my fists clenched together. My eyes turned red, but not a normal vampire red. They were darker, it didn't even feel normal, but I kinda liked it. All the anger built up in me. My breathes grew heavier, my body shook until I couldn't take it anymore. I turned around to face Mason and Harry. I could feel the veins popping out from under my eyes, and my fangs sharpening to an extent. This one isn't Liam, so I don't see any reason to keep him alive.

Everything inside me wasn't focusing straight anymore. I don't even feel like a person anymore. Who cares, I want him dead. I want him dead right now. Without thinking, blocking out everything around me, I ran. I ran vampire speed up to both boys, grabbing Mason from Harry. Harry was knocked over, and he fell on the ground. I took my hand, and smashed it into Masons chest. The only thing I allowed my ears to hear was the sound of Mason screaming in pain. I could feel his heart in my hands, I just have to crush it. Werewolf's are easier, but still hard to kill. Anything silver, or if you rip their heart out should do the trick. They can heal themselves, but not as fast as vampires can. It won't matter anyway, he's a dead man.

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