Chapter 10

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~~~later that night~~~

Hannah's POV

Everybody already went to bed. I'm staying in Louis' room again, I don't want to be alone with that creep Mason in the house. I have nothing against werewolf's considering I don't really know anything about them, other then the fact they can kill vampires. I just don't like Mason as a person. It worries me that he's here. I know I'm not the only one who feels this way. Today, downstairs, the air was colder around him. It was like he brought something else with him, like a ghost or another vampire. I don't believe in ghosts, even as a vampire I don't believe in them, but I definitely know that Mason isn't here for what he says he's here for. Or at least, if he is telling the truth then part of the story is a lie. People lie in all different sorts of ways. I don't trust him. Neither does Harry or Louis. Zayn and Niall met Mason, but only for a brief moment while Liam told them that he was staying the night here. Zayn rolled his eyes and walked away as if he didn't care, Niall hissed, but also walked away soon after. Neither one of them wanted anything to do with Mason, so neither one of them have been seen for 3 hours. They both isolated themselves in their rooms, alone. I don't blame them. The last time I saw Mason today was after dinner, he was reading a book in the guest bedroom. The door was open, and I couldn't help myself but peek in and stare at him. He looked up at me from his bed, "need something?" I snapped out of my trance by shaking my head, then I walked away as quickly as possible. I'm surprised he even knew I was there, I don't give off much of a scent anymore. Only a vampire one, and it's not even that strong.

Louis didn't sleep at all. He tossed and turned, until finally he gave up and faced his window on his side, leaving his eyes wide open. His back faced me, so I couldn't see his face, but I knew he was awake. I started talking to him. "Louis I can't sleep either." He didn't turn to me, but he replied softly, "you have to try." I wasn't doing anything, not without him. Especially sleeping. "No, I want you to sleep too."

"Babe, unlike humans vampires can go days without sleeping," he said. I sat up a little in bed, "then I'll be fine for a few days." I knew he didn't like the sound of that, but what could he do. Besides for making me feel bad for not wanting to sleep, which I wasn't gonna let happen. Louis finally rolled over and looked at me, "It will be like old times. You sleep, I'll watch you, keep you safe." I know this sounds creepy but yes it's true, I did feel more safe when he watched me sleep. Even though at the same time I felt a little weary about it. At least now he can't read my mind unless I let him. Still, I'm not tired. "I'm gonna go get some water," I said, "I'll be right back." Louis nodded, "ok, do you want me to come with you?"

"No I'll be fine. You stay here," I replied. The only reason I said that was because I was hoping he would fall asleep while I was gone. It could happen, he might secretly be tired. Louis is stubborn like that. I don't really want to leave his room without him, so I'm hoping Harry is doing his nightly walk through right about now. Unless he's actually sleeping, then he chose the worst possible night to sleep. I doubt he is though, not with Mason here.

I opened the door slowly and shut it behind me. All I have to do is walk down this dark hallway to the stairs, then go down to the main hall into the kitchen, easy. I would run there, but I think a nice walk would be nice for me. I started down the hallway. I don't know why, but this hall looks creepier then usual. I never noticed the picture frames on the wall. It was just old pictures of the boys from older eras. I stopped to stare at one in particular. It was a picture of Harry, maybe from the 90s. Even though I know he's a vampire, seeing old pictures of him and the boys never fails to surprise me on how they look the exact same. Part of me still expects them to look some what younger. I heard someone's voice behind me, it startled me at first, until I knew who it was. "Like what you see?" They asked. I turned around slowly, "Harry you scared me."

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