Chapter 14

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Louis' POV

I went to the basement to see the little shit. Wolfy better talk. Liam and Zayn were on guard duty. "I need to talk to him," I said. Liam was weary of letting me pass. He knows me well enough to know if I was going to try something. He's not trying to defend his friend, he just never liked the idea of killing. Surprising right? But I guess that's Liam for ya. "I'm not gonna hurt him, if he tells me what I need to know," I said. Liam looked at Zayn and nodded, "alright be quick." He let me pass into the enclosed room. It was dark and cold. There was one light in the centre of the room hovering over a chair, with a boy tied to it. Mason had his hood on, and he was facing the floor. His blood covered half his face, I know because I could smell it. It was sloppy. If I was going to beat him, I would do I good ass job at it. Harry was the last one in here, and I'm surprised actually. He's usually better at beating people. Today's been a rough day for him.

I walked over to Mason and knelt down in front of him. He continued to face the floor, trying not to make eye contact with me. "I wanna make this easy for you," I said, "I think there's a possibility of you walking out of here alive. You just gotta tell me what I want to know." Mason began to slowly look up at me. His face was torn up completely. I stand corrected, good job Harry. I would heal him but that would risk me being infected.

"Demanding. You're just like him," Mason said slowly. I raised an eyebrow, "I'm like who?" He didn't answer. I grabbed his neck and made him face me, "answer me when I'm talking to you. I'm like who?" Mason tried breaking free. He struggled to talk, "you want the cure or not?" I released his neck and stared him down. "Yes." I don't pity him, but I'm running out of time. "Look, I know what you're going through," he said, "I don't wanna see her die either. I only did what I had to do to survive. So I'll tell you where it is Louis, but this is only for your ears."

I didn't have time to question him about anything, so I nodded. "Just tell me." He looked upset, like he had done something wrong. Then he whispered something to me, "he has it." I was going to ask who the 'he' was, but then it occurred to me. If there is really such thing as a cure, there's only one person who's capable of hiding it away. Someone who's smart, mysterious, and above all evil. Someone who can connect to both vampires and werewolves. Someone I never thought I would ever have to deal with ever again. I whispered back, "Simon."

"So you do know. Well then I'm sure you also know how to get something from him," Mason said. It's true, I do know. "You're bluffing, you have to be," I said. Secretly, I knew he wasn't. I just didn't want to believe the truth. "C'mon Louis, like I said, I never wanted to hurt her. You know I'm not bluffing," he said. I clenched my fists but I didn't let Mason see. "What exactly is the cure?"

"His blood," he replied. I could've guessed that. I thought about it for a second. Why am I just now hearing about this cure? I got closer to Mason, just to make him uncomfortable. "Listen to me Mason. I don't know who you are, but you're hard to read. And if you're trying to pull something over on me-"

"I'm not."

"But I don't know that mate, so I'll tell you what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go to Simon, and I'm gonna ask about that cure. I'm willing to do whatever it takes to save my girlfriend, so I hope you know that if you're trying to bluff me out, it's not gonna work, because there's no possible way you could ever hurt me. If Simon ends up killing me because of this I could careless, considering Hannah's going to end up dead in a few days anyway. So tell me now, to save me the trouble, and to save your own ass. Is there a cure? Because it would be a lot easier knowing the truth."

Mason looked at me horrified. He knew just how little I cared about potentially dying. I'm willing to do whatever it takes. "I swear," he said, "it's the truth." I smirked, "good. Now where can I find him?"

"It's an over night journey," he said, "but I think you'll make it there and back in time to save her if you leave right away, but you have to go alone. I just hope you're prepared for the worst."

I looked down at my fists, which were now bloody. I guess I've been squeezing them this whole time. I didn't look back up at him but I continued to speak, "you don't know Simon like I do. I'm always prepared." Mason believed me. He lightly smiled, "then there's nothing holding you back. Go now."

"I have one more question for you Mason," I said looking back up at him. He looked at me confused, and the slightest bit scared. "Go on," he said. I spoke, "why are you telling me this and not the other boys?"

His answer was simple, but it didn't quite serve me. "Because he only wants you to know," he said. I shook my head, "see, that's the problem I'm having Mason. I know what he's like, I've seen what he can do. So I know that there's something you're not telling me. He must have something against you, I can feel it, that's why you're here. I think it would save time if you're completely honest with me."

"Yes that would save time," he said, agreeing with me. "So tell me why you're here. Tell me why you were forced to bite my girlfriend, then to spill every bit of information there is about a cure to me."

Mason nodded. I could tell he was afraid to tell me. I'm not sure if the truth scared him more, or if he thought the truth would scare me more. "I have nothing to lose, so I'm all ears," I said easing his worry. He began speaking, "my pack and I were hiking in the mountains, when a ton of vampires attacked us claiming it was their land. We didn't know what to think. We were all taken to the originals castle where we saw Simon. He killed every last one of my family members for trespassing, except for me. He told me he smelt a certain scent on me, a hybrid scent. It was Liam's. It's because we used to run together during full moons. Liam's scent reminded him of old times, which reminded him of what he craves the most........You. He told me that he wants you back, because you are capable of great things Louis. So he made a deal with me, if I could get you there, and get you to agree to stay with him, he would let me live. So I excepted, because I had no other choice. I didn't know what his plan consisted of. Then he told me he wanted me to bite Hannah. He knew that if I bit her, you would be searching for a cure, and as soon as you figured out there was one you would go for it. It's his way of bribing you in. That's why I'm here Louis. That's why I'm telling you about the cure, because it's the only way to save my life. I'm sure you would do the same for yourself if there was no one else left to save besides for you."

I listened to his story carefully, and I could honestly say it was both touching, and the stupidest thing I've ever heard. No, If everyone in my family was already dead, I wouldn't try to save myself. That would only lead to a lonely life of survival. But I could understand why he did it, he's a wolf. Wolves are known for keeping their pack alive. Again! I don't pity him, but I understand. Simon wants me back, Mason just wants to live. Then there's Hannah, who's days are numbered. Him telling me this doesn't effect my decision at all, I still want to save my girlfriend. This was just a lot to take in at once, because I know exactly where my future is heading. Sadly, I have to except it. "Alright," I said, "that wasn't so hard to say now was it? Anyway, I know Simon has a key interest in me. I'm not sure why, but he always has. Just next time, instead of biting my girlfriend, it would've been easier threatening me with this story to get me there."

"You would've thought I was bluffing. He told me all about you, and that you need visual proof I mean business. So yeah, I had to bite her," Mason said. I giggled a little, "Simon acts like he knows everything about me, but he doesn't. Anyway, I probably would've believed you if you would've let me inside your mind to see all of your memories, then I would see everything you've seen." I don't think Mason knew that. Anyway it's to late now, what's done is done. "Anyway, now you know. So can I go home?" He asked. I laughed a little, "where ya gonna go? You've crossed paths with Simon, you're not safe anymore. Besides, you aren't off the hook that easily mate."

"What are you gonna do with me?" He asked. I smirked, "you aren't free just yet Wolfy. You're coming with me."


A/N woah. Hey sorry it's been awhile. A lots been going on recently, erg don't you just hate it when that happens? Anyway, I'm updating like crazy so next chapter very soon. You'll see. :) (have you ever noticed my author notes are shitty. Sorry lol)

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