Chapter 33

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Harrys POV

It's game time.

After all the vampires cleared, and Hannah ran after them, we left soon after that. The castle wasn't far from where we were. We just have to be really careful, especially when we have Malory with us. She's useful though, she can draw them out.

"There!" Liam said. He pointed at the castle. He ducked behind a bush, then we all did the same. "Liam, you and Zayn take Malory and drag them out. Niall, Olivia and I will take out the ones who don't follow," I said. Liam nodded, "and what if they catch you. Three against 100?"

"I'm fast," I assured, "and we gotta try." Im not sure if I explained this before, so I'm going to anyway. Out of all of us lads, I'm the fastest one. Zayn is the strongest, Niall is the sneaky one (good at hiding or blending in), and Louis is the manipulator. Liam's kinda got all of the above considering he's a werewolf too. We never really tell people what we're better at, considering we're all fast, strong, sneaky and manipulative. One of us is just better at each one. There is no way they're gonna catch me that easily. Plus we have Olivia, who is still a newborn. She should be just as fast as me. Also Niall is sneaky, so we shouldn't get caught.

"Alright let's do this," Zayn said. Liam had Malory jump on his back. We all got in our ready positions. "And if we die?" Niall asked. "Then we die," I said. That answer didn't please him, but it didn't disappoint either. "On the count of three," I said, "1.."

"Oh man," Liam Said under his breath. I continued, "2..."

"I love you guys," Niall said. "Love you too Ni," Zayn said. That almost made me wanna stop the count down, but I didn't. I can't. "3!"

Nobodies POV

Liam stood up with Malory on his back. Zayn ran out into the open, "hey you!" He shouted. A shit load of vampires looked at him, and weren't happy. Liam soon followed Zayns actions, "you hungry!?" Obviously everyone saw Malory at that point, and smelt her. It was kinda hard not to smell her. "They've got a human!" A vampire shouted, "after them!"

Liam told Malory to duck her head down so she didn't get whiplash. Both the boys ran straight into the woods somewhere. It was hard to comprehend how many vampires followed after them. Maybe 70?

There were still a lot of vampires who stayed behind, but only like 50 or so total. The rest are either chasing Liam and Zayn, or at the tunnel. Niall instantly stood up, and began running. He hid behind trees every so often, so nobody seemed to notice him. Olivia and Harry watched as he ran, then stopped, then ran, then stopped. He picked up a stick and threw it at the gate. "What was that?" A vampire asked. He pointed at someone, "you! Go check that out."

A small, male vampire made his way over to where Niall was. Olivia and Harry watched. Niall grabbed the small vampire when he was close enough, and knocked him out with a vervain needle. Lucky for them, Niall doesn't part with his box very much. Niall took the boys cloak and slipped it on himself. He gave a peace sign in the air. That was a signal to indicate go. Harry handed a vervain needle to Olivia, and told her to hold onto it. He then told her to stay put for now. Now for Harry to make his move. It's not exactly fun though.

"Hey you son of a bitches! I'm over here!" He shouted. He stood up and ran in the opposite direction of Niall. Yes, that might have been the stupidest thing he has ever done, but he has a good reason for doing that. A lot of them followed him, but more of them stayed behind. Olivia remained behind the bush.

Harry darted through the woods as fast as he could. He had no idea where he was leading them, but he knew he had to keep running. Eventually he ducked behind a bush, so fast that nobody noticed. All of the vampires ran past him, except one. Harry tripped the last one who ran by, and knocked him out with vervain. He then took his cloak and put it on himself, running back towards the castle.

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