Chapter 23

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~~October 1998~~~

Perrie's POV

Everything's dark. I can't see anything. I couldn't even breath. I could hear though, just barely. Voices were all around me. They sounded like faint shouts. I could feel something resting in my chest. It hurt like hell. I tried feeling for it but I couldn't move. The voices got louder. "Perrie!" I heard someone shout. It was very faint though. I tried shouting back but I couldn't. "Perrie no!" They shouted again. "Don't die on me baby! Perrie!"

Am I dead? I don't think I am. Suddenly the voices stopped. I suddenly was able to move again, and see. I mean, I could barely see. Everything was blurry. I tried feeling for the thing in my chest. It was a wooden steak! It missed my heart by a few millimeters. I got lucky. That could've killed me. Not that it mattered. Wolf venom is running through my veins, I'm gonna die anyway.

I started regaining consciousness. I tried sitting up, but the steak made it hard. I slowly began to pull it out, making sure not to hit my heart. Eventually I got it. It hurt bad. I tried standing up but I got dizzy. The world was spinning. The wolf venom was getting to my head. Not much longer now. I began running through the woods. I stumbled as I walked. Everything around me was blurry. I was dizzy, but I kept trying to run. Eventually I tripped over a log, and didn't bother attempting to stand. I'm gonna die here. Suddenly, somebody helped me up. "Z-Zayn?" I attempted to ask. All I wanted was to see him. The person held me in their arms. "Not exactly," they said. I tried looking at them, but they were to blurry. I couldn't tell who it was. "W-where are you t-taking me?" I asked. The man was blurry, but I knew he was smirking. This wasn't Zayn. "You were bit. I'm gonna offer you some help," he said. He picked me up and began to carry me. "Only thing is, you probably won't see Zayn again."

I wanted to question him, but I blacked out. Last thing I remember was a blurry black cloak carrying me out of the woods. Farther away from home.

~~~present day~~

Louis POV

We both looked at each other confused, surprised, and a little bit relieved. I wasn't sure what to say at first, then the words came to me. "What the hell are you doing here?!" I asked her.

"Me!? What about you?!" She asked me.

"I do believe I asked you first. You're supposed to be dead!" I said. That wasn't supposed to sound that horrible, but it did, and it's true. A few years ago, Liam's sickness was the worst it's ever been. He obviously couldn't control himself, so he turned, and bit my ex girlfriend, and Perrie. We didn't know about a cure back then, so there was only one thing we could do. Kill the girls. Before Zayn could even get to Perrie, my ex went insane from the wolf venom. She stabbed Perrie in the heart with a wooden steak, while zayn and I were watching. She said we would've done it anyway, and even though that may be true, I know that was just the sickness talking. Perrie died. I saw it with my own eyes. Even if she wasn't stabbed, the venom would've killed her anyway. Zayn was devastated. He demanded I kill my ex immediately. So I did. Either way, she would've ended up like that anyway. Strangely, I got over it within a year or two. A few years later I started watching Hannah. Everything got better from there, until this very moment right now.

"I survived," Perrie said, "I got lucky Louis." Well obviously it was luck or she wouldn't be here. "How?!" I asked, "Zayns been devastated for 15 years!" She looked at me curiously, and yet sad. "Has it really been 15 years?" She asked. She didn't know? I thought she would be counting the days. "Yes. It has," I said.

"What's the date Louis?" She asked. She sounded worried. I told her anyway, "it's Tuesday, November 4th, 2013." Perrie gave me the most horrified look. She didn't even know the day. I bet the last thing she remembers is 1998. "Tell me what happened please. Then I'll tell you why I'm here," I said. She nodded slowly, but didn't speak at first. "I don't remember much. All I know is I was stabbed. It hurt like a bitch, but the steak missed my heart by a few millimetres. I got lucky, but because of the wolf venom running through my veins, I passed out as she stabbed me. That's probably why you assumed I was dead for so long."

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