Chapter 32

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I uh. I just wanted to say hi.

~~~~Friday November 7~~~~

5:36 am

Hannah's POV

The woods is a creepy place, you know? I mean, I've always known that, but it never really hit me until right now. Remember when you were little, and your parents told you not to go play in the woods alone? I can see why they would say that now. Then again, it's dark out still, and I'm not technically alone. Harry is walking beside me. Niall, Zayn, and Olivia were in front of us. Liam and Mal were behind. We all had each other, but I don't know, something didn't feel right. It was still lonely.

"Are you sure it's over here?" Niall asked. Olivia nodded, "yeah it should be, unless someone moved it." Olivia had mentioned earlier that when she escaped the castle, Perrie gave her orders to ditch the cloak in the woods. So she did, and now we need it. Niall lusted to see, and looked around for the black cloak Olivia dropped.

"Is that it?" Liam asked. He pointed to a tree, that had something on the ground behind it. Niall ran over to it, and picked it up. "Yes, I believe it is."

"Great," Harry said, "let me see it."

Just as Harry said that, I heard the sound of tree branches snapping. We weren't alone. "Hide," Harry whisper shouted. Everyone immediately hid behind a bush. Once I saw who caused the noise, I was instantly terrified. "I-is that-"

"Shh," Harry said. He held his hand over my mouth. "It's just Mason, he's not much of a threat anymore."

Mason was kicking leaves as he walked by. He was upset, I could tell. I tried to read his mind, but it didn't work. I can't unless he allows me too. "I know him," Olivia whispered. Liam nodded, "yeah, so do we."

"No no!" Olivia whisper shouted, "he helped me find you guys! I wouldn't have gotten the message to you if it wasn't for him." The newborn was making more noise then anyone. "Shh," Harry said again. Mason heard that.

"Is someone there?" Mason called out. Harry whispered under his breath, "shit."

I didn't want him to see us. Olivia was about to speak again, but Niall covered her mouth. "Hello?" Mason asked. He was walking closer to where we were. Shit shit shit! I got closer to Harry, and he wrapped his arms around me for protection. I don't know why I was so afraid right now. I mean, I know Mason bit me, but he can't hurt me right now. I'm not alone.

I could feel him getting closer. He reached his hand out to the bush where we were hidden. Right before he was about to look behind it, there was another noise. He stopped and turned around. "Shit" he said. He ran away from us, and soon disappeared into the woods completely. "What was that?" I whispered to Harry. "Vampires," he responded. "They're coming."

"Shh, they'll here us," Liam whispered. We all remained hidden behind the bush as vampires ran through the woods. They were all going to the tunnel, I just knew it. We can't risk them seeing us, not here at least. They were moving fast. I knew that if they saw any of the boys, they would recognize them. "Nows your chance," Harry whispered, "you have to go with them." I couldn't believe what he was saying. "What?! No!" I whisper shouted, "I'm not supposed to go in until we get there. They'll figure me out if they see me!" I wasn't worried about any of the vampires hearing that; most of them were gone anyway. "Babe, the plan is to get you in there. This is easier. If you follow them, you'll slip inside easily. They won't suspect anything because they don't know you, or that you're with us. Just try to blend in," Harry said. I was terrified of his words. "You'll be fine, I promise. Just slip inside. You can do it."

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