Chapter 5

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Hannah's POV

We left the cave. Louis took care of the body Incase anyone else came looking in there. I was still a little freaked out about what I saw. The three of us agreed to keep this between us. Liam, Niall and Zayn were waiting for us back at home. We approached the house looking happy.....ish. "So who won?" Niall asked. Harry looked at me and glared, "she did." I couldn't help but chuckle, "loser." That made Niall laugh. "By barely a second!" Harry added, trying to make things look better for him. "Actually 2 seconds mates," Louis mummbled. Niall laughed harder. His laugh is contagious, we all laughed after that. All this laughing is taking my mind off the corps we found in the cave.

I'm kinda sweaty, and I haven't showered sense yesterday morning, not to mention I died. I'm probably due for one. "Hey I'm gonna go shower," I said. Louis nodded, "alright be quick."

I walked back into the house to my room. Louis moved the mini fridge in there, already full. I couldn't help myself but look inside it curiously. Bloodbag were piled high everywhere. Awe, he loves me. Well, I was taking a shower anyway. I grabbed a bloodbag out and opened it, chugging it down. Could thing nobody was watching cause otherwise that would be a scary sight. I shut the door to the fridge then went into the bathroom. If I know one thing about vampires, too much blood can make you crazy, but not enough can make you even crazier. I was set for the day.

I stripped down everything. Man, was I a mess. I looked like shit and probably smelled even worse. Even as a vampire It's still hard to smell myself, but the boys can smell me. Im surprised they were even around me that long, unless they smelt the same. I turned on the water. I was debating on warm and cold. Neither one bothered me anymore but considering my skin is freezing I went with warm water. I got in and started shampooing. Not long after that I heard a knock at the door. "Hey babe I left my phone on the sink, can I get it?" Louis asked from the other side of the door. I shut the shower curtain even more then it already was shut. I'm a little self conscious. "Yeah go ahead," I said. I didn't lock the door.

He came in and shut the door behind him. Not because he was planning on staying, but because I'm still showering. I heard him pick up his phone and put it in his pocket. Then he stopped, "Are you shampooing?"

I giggled, "yeah why?" I couldn't see him but I knew he was smirking, "it just smells nice." I laughed some more, "you're weird."

"Is that a good thing?"

"Yeah it's a good thing Louis."

"Like how weird?"

"I don't know, just weird."

"Just weird?"

"Louis I'm trying to shower."

"Well I wanna talk about this."

"Well I wanna shower."


After that he had stopped talking. I started to get suspicious. Then I heard something. He Oh my god. He was doing exactly what you think he was doing. Stripping. Before I knew it, he had opened the shower curtain completely, reveling my naked body. I covered my breasts as fast as I could, "Louis! What are you doing?!" He was naked too, I was trying to keep my eyes up. Before he answered me, he stepped inside the tub. "You wanna shower, I wanna talk." I tried not to blush. I was naked, and fully aware I was naked.

"Louis I'm showering! Can't this wait?" I asked. He started chuckling, "no I wanna talk." I know what he was doing, he was playing games. I tried to get out of the tub but he shut the curtain in my face. "Louis seriously, I'm trying to shower."

"Hannah seriously, I wanna talk about my weirdness."

"I'm not talking to you until you get out of the tub."

"And I'm not getting out of the tub until you talk to me."

Louis was quietly chuckling this whole time. He was playing a game and I was starting to get annoyed. "Fine. You're weird, it's a good thing. Happy now?"

"No describe it," he said. I starting giggling a little myself. Louis started acting more serious. "Hannah.. Hannah stop giggling. Uncover your breasts, and tell me how weird I am."

That only made me laugh even harder. "Seriously Hannah cmon," Louis said. He was trying not to laugh himself. This was never about 'talking about his weirdness', he just wanted to get in here with me. Maybe not for those kinds of reasons, but because he wanted to be with me. It was cute and yet.....weird. Then again he's weird.

"How weird am I?!" He asked. "Very!" I said. We both bursted out laughing. "You're very weird," I repeated. He was still silently laughing. He gave me a cheeky grin and I couldn't help but smile. By now, both of us were wet from the running water. Neither of us cared. We got caught up in the moment of things and just kinda......kissed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed his hands on my waist. He kissed me roughly. He doesn't have to worry anymore about hurting me, since I'm a vampire now. So he can go as rough as he pleases. I ran my fingers through his wet hair, and he brought me closer to him. Both are naked body's touched, as we continued to kiss roughly, but passionately. He started kissing my neck, holding me in place. He gave me love bites, sending chills down my spine. He made his way back up to my lips once again. I used my new vamp speed to push him against the wall, are lips never breaking the kiss. He ran his hands up and down my body. He squeezed my bum. Then he picked me up, and I wrapped my legs around him. He started to kiss my neck again, this time more rough making me lightly moan. "Louis," I whispered. He continued to kiss me, "shhh." He made his way to my jaw line. I tried not to moan the best I could, but I let another one escape my lips. I could feel his fangs scrape gently over my skin. Then he looked at me, his eyes were now red. Mine were too, and my fangs poked out from under my mouth. Louis let a slight gasp escape his lips. "You're so beautiful."

I smiled, making my fangs even more noticeable. I slowly leaned in to kiss him again, but then we heard a knock at the door. Both of us turned towards it. "Hey Hannah? Louis? you're using all the hot water are you done now?" A voice asked. It sounded like Liam. I giggled a little, but he was right. We've been in here for awhile, and I haven't even finished showering. Well damn, maybe some other time. Louis put me down and I turned the water off. Luckily the shampoo was out of my hair. "You can finish tonight if you want," Louis said. I could tell he felt guilty. I gave him a quick kiss, "alright."

I got out of the tub and put my robe on. Louis dried himself off and threw his pants on. Then we left the bathroom, giggling the whole time. Liam looked both annoyed and yet entertained. The only thing on my mind, what to do now.....


A/N lol hi. I updated for ya. Hope u like this chapter. Just a heads up for the next chapter, pick your balls up off the floor.

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