Chapter 22

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Louis POV

"Cmon kid!" Aiden shouted to me. I would think he would notice by now, I'm walking slow purposely. He turned down a stairwell, and I followed with the innocent girl still in my arms. When we reached the bottom there were two hallways, like a horror movie. Aiden took the left. I followed but I'm not gonna lie, I would've taken the right. "What's down there?" I asked quietly. Aiden turned around, "Oh, that's just the control rooms and what not. Nothing that matters." So I see. But I'm pretty sure he's lying to me, considering there aren't light switches in the bedrooms, and only a few in the halls. There's no need for an entire hallway to be filled with control rooms. I think there's something else down there. I stared at the dark hallway for a second, until Aiden tapped my shoulder. "C'mon, this way Louis," he said. I turned away after that.

It was dark, but because I'm lusting it wasn't horribly dark. Im sure the human girl can't see a thing. I started to rub my eyes. "Don't do that," Aiden said, "I know it's uncomfortable lusting all the time, but you'll get used to it." Yeah ok. Funny how he thinks he controls me. Nobody controls me.

We turned another corner to reveal two more hallways. This place was like a maze. "Boys are down the right hall, girls on the left. Take the left to the farthest door on the right hand side. That's where she will be," Aiden said. I gave him a curious look, "aren't you coming?" He shook his head, "nah, he gave the orders to you. You'll be fine on your own. Good luck." I don't like the sound of that, but I nodded and started walking. The hallways had one single light hovering over the center of it. It made everything a dimmed, light blueish color. It flickered a lot, like it was going to burn out. It reminded me of a hospital basement you see in movies. Only difference was, this was real. As I walked further down the hall, the light flickered even more, making the human girl jump in my arms. I held her still. "I'm sorry," I whispered to her, "I don't wanna be here either."

"Hey, don't talk to the food!" Aiden shouted at me, "it's weird." Not if it's a person. You think I'm proud of this Aiden? I'm not.

I reached the door and hesitantly began opening it. "Go on kid," Aiden shouted from down the hall. I wish this guy would leave me alone right now. I slowly began opening the door. The room was completely dark, but what's it matter. I'm a vampire, I can see. The only light in the room was the moonlight coming in through the window. Even then, I couldn't quite find the girl, wherever she was. I'm not sure if I should leave the human girl here and leave, or come in further. Either way, the door ended up shutting behind me. I startled me a bit.

"Leave her there," a voice said. I'm assuming it's the vampire. I dropped the human girl on the floor. "So should I leave?" I asked. I heard a light laugh, "no. You can stay. Surely you would like some." I don't understand why she would ever want me to stay with her. I don't even know her. "Where are you?" I asked. I got no response. Instead, I saw something moving in the corner of the room. She had stood up and began walking over to where I put the human girl. Her hood was up, so I couldn't see her face. I backed up into the darker part of the room, near the door. If I can't see her, I won't let her see me.

She knelt down beside the human girl and began speaking to her. I couldn't quite pick out what she was saying, but it calmed the human down. I've only ever seen one other person do that in my life, and she died. I continued to watch her, until she began untying the human girls arms. I figured I could make small talk. "Why the basement?" I asked. I got a brief answer, "why not?"

"You don't seem too sure," I said, "do you like it here?" She responded, "it's better then up there. I'm alone, but I enjoy the quietness."

"Then why do you want me to stay?"

"Because I know you enjoy it too."

Wonder what gave her that impression. Maybe its because I backed up into the darkness. She began removing the human girls rag that was covering her mouth. She then compelled her not to scream. "What's your name dear?" The vampire girl asked her. "Olivia," the human responded. This vampire girl doesn't seem very mean at all. "Well Olivia," she said, "if you let me take a drink, and let him have some too, then I promise to let you go." Interesting, why on earth would she be so kind? Especially that part about me. "I'm not hungry," I said quietly. "Male vampires are always hungry," she responded. Wonder what book or movie told her that.

She pulled the human AKA Olivia forward, and began drinking from her. She didn't take very much blood, just enough to keep her from desiccating. Then she pulled away. "Your turn boy," she said. I really didn't want to. "Have my share. I really don't want any," I said. "Gentlemen I see," she said. She knew I was being serious. I could tell based off her actions. "well thank you," she said. She began drinking some more. Olivia was near her death bed, until the vampire girl stopped, and bit her wrist. "bibere a me," she said. That was Latin for 'drink from me'. Don't know many people who speak Latin. She shoved her wrist into Olivia's mouth. I still couldn't see her face, but I could see a strand of blonde hair falling from her hood.

"You remind of someone I used to know," I said. Random thought, but it's true. This whole time she has. The blonde hair makes even more of a connection. "Who would that be?" She asked as she continued to feed the human her blood. I responded, "her name was Perrie Edwards."

Just then, she stopped everything, and froze. Her wrist was still in Olivia's mouth, but she wasn't forcing her to receive blood anymore. "What do you know about Perrie Edwards?" She asked firmly. She tilted her head towards me just the slightest, but I still could only see the blonde strand. "She was my friends girlfriend," I replied, "why? do you know her?"

"Yes," she responded. She sounded sad. "who was her boyfriend?" She asked. She was starting to make me curious. I wanna know more about this girl. "His names Zayn. Zayn Malik" I said. Just then, the vampire girl took her wrist out of the humans mouth. She tried to hide herself even more from me. "Who are you?" She asked me quietly. I was afraid to answer, so I asked her the same question, but slower. "Who are you?"

She slowly turned in my direction, but didn't lift her hood so I could see her. "Come out," she said. I was hesitant with that order. I slowly took a few steps closer to her, still in the darkened part of the room, but enough for her to see parts of me. I began to speak quietly, "My names-"

"Louis," she said. That made me curious. How did she know me? I came out further into the light, revealing more of my face. She slowly began to look up at me. Her face started to become more clear. The blonde hair covered most of it, but still. I knew exactly who she was now. "Perrie?"


A/N so tonight's a full moon and it's Friday the 13th. All I have to say is oh shit. That's all..

Oh and the results from the toll. Most of you ship #Louannah . But....and I quote....."only if Louis is coming back but for now I ship #Hanny"

So there ya have it. Guess we will see what happens then. ;)

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