Chapter 1

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~~~Present day~~

Hannah's POV

I can't breath. Nor can I feel, see or touch. But I still feel alive somehow. It's dark. I can't see anything or anyone. The only thing left to do is sit here until something happens. It's cold, or is it just me. My hands are shaking. I imagine being pale, but I can't see myself to check. Frozen, waiting for something to happen. Then it did.....

I felt my heart beat once, then twice. Not at normal speed, but I was atleast getting somewhere. My body flinched, and I was slowly regaining my ability to hear. Voices surrounded me, people I can't see nor can I recognize. But they were here with me. Feeling, that was the next ability I regained. I felt myself drift away from everything and fall into the sheets of a soft bed. Someone had laid me down under the soft covers. I could feel them lifting me, then placing me. Then it all came back to me. This isn't real. I'm dead.

My sight slowly regained itself. Everything around me looked blurry, very blurry. Most of everything was white. My ears were ringing, making me feel uncomfortable. My body was freezing. My sight regained some more but things were still blurry. Although, one thing looked clear. 5 shadows surrounding me. I was waking up.

They were all too close. Some closer then others. I looked around and blinked until the blurriness went away. Honestly, it never really did, it only lightened up a little. The five shadows came into a clearer view. They started talking among each other.

"She's waking up."

"Do you think she knows we're here?"

"Guys shhh. Her ears are sensitive right now."

It all sounded like whispers to me, but I think they were talking normally. I feel funny, like something in my stomach was trapped trying to break free. It hurt like hell, and my head hurt making me dizzy. My neck hurt the most, like someone had snapped it. I started breathing out of my mouth. My sight came back, I saw them. Zayn, Liam, Niall, Harry and Louis. All hovering over my body. I see Liam is feeling better. They all looked happy to see me, except for Harry. He looked both happy, and very sad. Louis' eyes fell a little too. I don't know what was happening.

"Goodmorning sleepyhead," Louis said to me in a calm relaxed voice. I attempted a light smile, but everything was happening all at once, and it was difficult. "L-Louis," I managed to say very weakly. "Shh it's alright, just relax," he said, "we'll get you something to eat in a minute."

"A-am I-?" Was all I could get out. "Yes. You are," Louis said. He knew what I meant. The other boys smiled to me. Zayn started playing with my hair. I wanted to sit up but the boys were surrounding me. Niall was on my legs holding me in place, I think they wanted me to lay here. I attempted to move him off me but it didn't work. He giggled, "just lay down babe, Louis is gonna get you something to drink." His voice sounded a lot louder then it actually was. I buried my head into Zayns arms to block the noise. Louis got up and went to the mini fridge that was in the corner. He grabbed out something. Some kind of red liquid in a bag.. Blood. Oh hell no.

He came back over to me and sat next to me. "let her sit up now," Louis said. Niall moved off me to the side of the bed. Zayn helped me sit up slowly. I held my neck because it was still sore from whatever happened. "Shh it's ok come here," Louis said softly. He opened his arms wide and I leaned in. He held me close to his chest. I felt his arm, they didn't feel cold anymore, they felt the same. "We're the same temperature now," he said. My stomach started to hurt more. "Louis you gotta feed her, it's starting," Harry said. What's starting? I don't know what's even happening. I mean, I kinda have an idea. Louis looked at me, straight into my eyes. "You're right it is," he said, but he was talking to Harry. I felt under my eyelid thinking he was looking at something that was there. It felt the same. He took the bloodbag he had grabbed for me and opened it. I backed up a little in his arms but he wouldn't let me go far. The smell, it was almost indescribable. The only word I could think of was sweet.

"You have to babe. This should hold you over until later," Louis said to me. I didn't want to, but I was mesmerized by the smell. He brought it closer to my lips. I shook my head trying to get it away from me. "Stop fighting," Louis said, in a more serious tone. He wasn't mad or anything, he just wanted me to drink it. I looked into the mirror that was across my room and saw me and the boys reflections. My eyes....they were red. I didn't notice it before. "Just close your eyes," Louis told me. I listened and closed them. Louis brought the blood bag to my lips. I let him slip the top part into my mouth, gently. I could feel the blood in the bag hitting my tongue. I drank it. It tasted good actually. I put my hand on the bag, and helped Louis squeeze it. I couldn't stop, even if I tried. Louis held me closer to him. I could feel my two of my teeth extending into fangs. Louis was smiling. "Good girl," he whispered to me. He kissed my head gently.

I felt like a baby. Like I was being bottle fed, but instead of a bottle of warm milk it was a bag of blood. Then again, I'm new at this. He's just helping me. When the bag was empty I opened my eyes and looked up at Louis. His eyes turned red to, and I could see his fangs. Blood was dripping from my lips. Louis wiped it off, "you did it." I guess I did do it. "Do you feel better now?" He asked. I nodded. He smiled, "good, cause I wanna take you somewhere." He set the empty bloodbag down and lifted me up in his arms. He carried me bridal style out the door. "Where are we going?" I asked. He smirked, "I wanna teach you some things."

"What about the boys?" I asked. "They'll be here when we get back," he responded. He took me outside, without grabbing a coat or anything. It's November first you would think it would be cold for where we are. I'm not cold at all. The house backs up to woods. He took me a little ways deeper past a lot of trees. Then he set me down.....


A/n hiii. Hope u like chapter 1. Chapter 2 will be here shortly, literally like in 5 minutes idk.

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