Chapter 7

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Hannah's POV

I could feel the light hit my face. It was horrible, it's too early for this shit. I covered my face with the blankets. I didn't wanna get up yet. I looked up from under the blankets for a split second to check my surroundings. I forgot I was in Louis' room. Only thing was, Louis isn't in here. I ignored the fact he was gone and went back to sleep under the covers. He's probably just downstairs or something.

Louis' POV

I let Hannah sleep in a little. I needed to talk to Liam about something. I know Hannah would be really happy if he let her see her friend, Malory. Because Hannah's a new vampire, it's dangerous for her to be around humans right now. But to be honest, I think she'll be fine. I was around humans when I was knew. Then again, I killed them all. Ok bad example, but I Atleast lasted a little while. If she gets to hungry then I'll get her out of there.

I knocked on Liam's door. I know she's kinda been under the radar a little, but Malory never left. She's been staying in Liam's room taking care of him ever sense Paul brought him home. Speaking of Paul, I'm not really sure what happened to him.

"Who is it?" A voice asked from the other side of the door. "Me," I replied. I heard the locks being unlocked, then the door instantly opened. "Hi watcha need. Kinda busy," Liam said. He only opened the door a little and peaked his head through so I wouldn't see what was behind him. "I need to talk to you, about the girl," I said. Liam nodded, like he already knew what I was gonna say. "She wants to see her? Lou, don't you think it's a little early?"

"I'll be with her the whole time, she's ready. Besides this will be good training, she can learn to control herself around humans," I replied. Liam gave me a weary look. Then he sighed, "alright, I'll bring her down later. Just give me an hour or so."

"As long as you need. Thanks mate," I said. We said are goodbyes, then Liam shut the door. I gave myself a smile, I've succeeded. I'm not sure how this was gonna play out but we will see. Anyway I'm starving. Usually I'll make eggs for Hannah and eat them with her because I don't want her to feel out of place, but because she's a vampire now I'm gonna take advantage of it. Now I can have my usual breakfast. I quickly dropped by Hannah's room. My fridge was in there. I grabbed two blood bags out. I chose out my favourite blood type, hoping she would like it. Then again I don't know a vampire who doesn't like blood.

I made my way down the hallway. I passed Harry's room, his door was still shut. Might as well check on the curly haired boy. I opened the door quietly and peaked inside. Harry was bundled up under his covers, he looked like a burrito or a baby in a swaddle. You could barely make out his face. His knees were to his chest. He was still sleeping, peacefully. Usually I would be the one to ruin things and wake him, but not today. I'll let him sleep. I quietly shut the door again making sure not to make a lot of noise.

Ok, I really need to get back to Hannah now. No more distractions. My room was just at the end of the hall. I could see it. I quickly made my way to the door, but of course something always has to get in my way. Or someone I should say. "Louis"! Niall shouted. He ran towards me quickly, "me and Zayn are playing hide and seek. He's counting downstairs and he's blocking my way to the tunnels, can I use your closet passageway?"

Like I said, nothing surprises me. But Niall chose the wrong person to play with, Zayns really good. "First of all, do I even want to know why you're playing hide and seek? And second, why should I help you?" I asked.

"To answer the first question, no you don't. To answer the second, because you love me," he said. I'm debating on if I love him anymore. "Please Lou, you're the best at it! And we gotta hurry!" He added. I sighed, "alright, but you don't wanna go through the tunnels, Zayn will only expect that. Hide in my closet, then when he's done checking the upstairs, loop around the house and continue the process until he checks every hiding spot twice. Then come back here."

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