Chapter 18

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~~~like 10 minutes ago~~~

Louis POV

Simon and his 'servants' decided to drive me and Mason back to the house. It was extremely uncomfortable for me, but I guess I better get used to it. Considering this is my new life. I sat next to Mason, and another vampire, who gave me the creeps. The whole car ride was long and boring. The only reason we are driving in a car rather then just running is because you'd be surprised how many humans are out watching. A lot of them are hunters. Humans aren't a huge threat, just the ones that survive knowing about vampires. Then we have a problem.

"You alright back there?" Simon asked us. He wasn't the one driving, another servant vampire was. Simon was sitting in the passenger seat. I should mention, this is a huge car, practically a limo, but I personally think it's a weird van. "Yeah," I responded with my head down. You'd be surprised about how many people say Simon is an 'ok guy'. Well he's not an ok guy, he's a monster. I'm trying my hardest to answer all these questions 'correctly'. Or else I would be crossing him, and I would never want to do that.

"That's it," I said quietly, just loud enough for him to hear. I pointed to the large house coming up on the right. The servant pulled into the driveway and stopped. "Very beautiful house Louis. Are the boys home?" Simon asked. I didn't want to lie but I didn't want to tell him the truth either. "Um, maybe," I said. "Can I just have a moment please sir. I'll come back to the car and get you." One of the servants was about ready to smack me for telling Simon what to do, but he didn't. Simon was alright with it. "Be quick, wouldn't want to waist any time," Simon replied. "Of course not," I said. Then I exited the car. First things first, I need to find everybody in the house other then Hannah and somehow get them all into one room.

When I walked inside, the first thing I heard was screaming coming from the library. I quickly made my way down the hall into the library where everyone was already standing. Wow, that was easier then I thought. They're already in the same room. Now for step two, stand here until words need to be said.

~~present time~~~

I locked the door to the library, leaving everyone inside. I blocked the door with a table in the hall, just for extra support. I know Harry is furious at me, but I'm only trying to protect him and everyone in there. I'll come back for them when the job is done. "Louis!" I heard Harry shout. I ignored it, I don't have time to answer him. The thing was though, that made me even more sad then I already was. This isn't how I would have pictured me and Harry's last day seeing each other. He probably hates me now. Sadly I can't change how he feels.

Next thing I did was go back outside to the black van parked in the driveway. I told Simon and his servants they could come in now. Simon smirked, then stepped outside of the van. Everybody stepped out except the driver, even Mason was forced out by his own will. There were only 3 servants with Simon. Two of them had Mason, the other was the driver, who was waiting in the car. "We won't be gone long," Simon informed the driver. The driver nodded in response.

I guided them inside. I could almost feel my stomach sink. I was terrified, Simons in my house. Or should I say my old house. "Where is she?" Simon asked. That question made me want to run and hide. I hate questions, and I hate Simon. But of course, he already knows that, but it satisfies him to know there's nothing I can do about it. "Upstairs," I said, "right this way." All I could think about was Hannah, and how much worse she has gotten since I've been gone. When I entered her room, it relieved me a little. She was sleeping peacefully in bed. She's still alive, that makes everything better. We made it in time.

"I'd like to be alone with Louis and the girl. Wait outside," Simon addressed his servants. They obeyed and took Mason with them. They also made sure to shut the door behind them. "Now lets see if we can wake her Louis," Simon said. I was becoming weary of his actions near her. I should probably mention something. Simon is an original vampire obviously, but he's also a werewolf. People call him the original hybrid to make more sense of things. Anyway, he holds together the two worlds separating the vampires from the werewolf's. His blood is hybrid blood, a mixture of the two. That's why he's the cure. He can heal anything because of his blood mixture. Simon also has special powers. Most vampires just have the same powers as every other vampire, but Simon has more for some unknown reason. Probably because he's the original.

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