Chapter 4

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Hannah's POV

Louis and I returned home. I could smell bacon and eggs on the stove. I'm starving, even though I just had blood. Me and Louis walked into the kitchen to find Liam, Zayn and Niall cooking. "Hey they're back!" Niall said. I giggled. Louis rolled his eyes. "Yeah we're back. We wanna show you something." Zayn was just finishing his breakfast. "Yeah okay hold on. Liam go get Harry then."

Speaking of Harry, he seems depressed. I hope he's ok. "I'll get him," Louis said, "just finish eating." Niall turned off the stove and made himself a nice plate of eggs. I sat down at the island next to them. "So how are you?" Liam asked me. I smiled, "I'm fine. I guess I could ask you the same thing." Liam chuckled, "yeah I'm fine. Never better, and thank you by the way." I knew what he was thanking me for but I played dumb. "For what?"

"You know why. For curing me," he said. I grinned, "you're welcome. But don't think it's gonna happen again." Liam chuckled, "oh I hope not." I started to dazedly stare at Nialls plate of food. He noticed. "You want some? No promises it's gonna taste good though," he said. "Why is that?" I asked. "Cause new borns can't digest human food very well until they're older," Zayn added. That makes sense. "If you want, you can have a bloodbag," Liam said. Before I could respond Louis walked back through the kitchen door, with a not so happy Harry. I wonder why he's so sad. "I'm finished. Wanna show us now?" Niall asked Louis. Louis nodded, then looked at me and winked. Niall took care of his things then grabbed his jacket. Am I the only one who isn't cold? Idk.

We all went outside. I'm not sure what exactly I had to show them but I figured it had to do with my new powers. "I'll get the rock," Zayn said. The rock? Alright. Louis looked at me and smirked. I smiled. Then I looked at Harry, who seemed upset. "Is he ok?" I asked Louis. Louis shrugged, "he's fine, he's just a bit moody today." Harry looked a lot more upset then just 'moody'. I don't see why he should be, I cured Liam. The plan worked! But still he doesn't seem happy nor satisfied.

Zayn came back with a giant rock. He set it on the ground. The rock must have weighed 300 pounds at least. "You think you can take him?" Louis asked me. I'm not sure what I was 'taking him' at. I shook my head anyway, "not a chance." Louis chuckled, "yeah you can. You're stronger then all of us right now." Still don't know what I'm taking him at. "Am I supposed to throw it or something?" I asked. Louis started laughing. I nervously laughed along but my question was serious. "No. Ill show you," he said. Zayn put his arm on the rock and held it up. "Ready tommo?" He asked. Louis smirked, "always."

"Prepared to get your ass kicked," Zayn said. Louis and Zayn grabbed each other's hands and started arm wrestling. Oh, I got it now. Yeah I still don't think I have a chance. Louis was winning, but out of nowhere Zayn flipped him completely. "Woo Zayn!" Niall shouted. His own personal cheer leader. Louis stood up and turned back around to me. "Yeah he's strong, but you can take him babe." Zayn laughed, "please. Nobody has ever beaten me." That gave me a little more motivation. I walked over to him and grabbed his hand. Are arms were on the rock. "Go Hannah!" Niall shouted. "Kick some ass!" Liam shouted. Everyone chuckled at Liam. I even heard Harry chuckle a little. Me and Zayn started the match. We both tried are hardest. "Told you we would see each other again," Zayn said to me softly. I let out a slight laugh, "yeah, but this isn't probably what you had in mind."

"Maybe not, but it's good to see you," he said. He started pushing my arm lower to his side. I know what he was doing, this small talk was a distraction. He hasn't won yet. "Yeah good to see you too," I said. I pushed my arm back up and lowered his. I used all of my might and slammed his arm down on the rock. It slammed so hard the rock cracked in half and part of it fell. "Loser," I said as I let go of his hand. He started bleeding a little but it healed within seconds. Everyone around us was in complete shock, except Louis. He knew I could do it. "Wow, I underestimated you," Zayn said. He laughed a little. Looking at me, you would think I couldn't even lift a table. A small table. I'm pretty small. Now, I just broke a rock. I'm not sure if that's even a thing. I got a lot of compliments.

"Good job babe."


"Woohoo! Great job!"

It made me feel pretty accomplished. "Lets see you run," Harry said. Oh, he can actually speak. He stood up off the ledge he was sitting on and walked over to me. "How about a race?" He gave me an evil smirk. "Harry's really fast," Niall said. I bet Harry's probably the fastest out of them, but I'm not really sure. "Alright," I said. I was ready for this. Harry didn't seem impressed yet. "Alright. We'll go down the hiking trail. First person to the cave wins," Harry said. He smirked again. I nodded, "ok."

"I'll meet you at the finish line," Louis said. Then Louis was gone. He already ran down there. Me and Harry lined up and Liam acted as the referee. "Starting positions," Liam said. Harry looked at me and gave me a cheeky glare. "Ready.....set," Liam began. I'm not nervous about this. I just gotta run fast. "Go!" Liam yelled. I started running.

I ran vamp speed down the trail. I could kinda of see Harry running beside me, he was running vamp speed to. We ran beside each other for awhile, until Harry started picking up speed. I ran faster and faster, the cave wasn't far from here. The wind blew my hair back. I ran so fast it felt like I was flying. I picked up speed and eventually I managed to pass Harry. I could see the cave just up ahead. I ran to it and when I stopped I looked around for Harry. I didn't see him. Did he win? Or did he stop.

"Harry?" I asked. I heard someone behind me trying to catch their breath, "good job." I turned around and saw Harry pent over with his hand on his chest. "I win," I said cheerfully. He smirked, "I'm impressed. Good job babe." I looked around for Louis, he said he was gonna meet us here. "Where's Louis?" I asked. Harry looked around to. "I don't know, maybe he went deeper in the cave." I smelt something. It didn't smell like Louis, but like human blood. Lots of it. "Do you smell that?" I asked. Harry nodded nervously. "Let's go" he said. He walked into the dark cave. I'm not sure how he could see anything. "Harry? I can't see," I said. I tried not to yell, I know he can hear me. "You gotta lust to see," he said. I don't know how to do that. "How?" I asked. "Just let your senses take over. Think of blood, or something that makes you mad," he responded. I closed my eyes and tried thinking of blood. Nothing at the moment makes me mad. I smelt the blood and was mesmerised by it. Then, I opened my eyes. They were red, I think. The dark cave now lightened up. I walked inside and followed the path until I saw two figures standing at the end of it. They were looking at something. I walked over to them, it was Harry and Louis. "What's wrong?" I asked. Louis looked worried, "something was here."

I turned to the floor to see what they were looking at. The blood, human blood. The hiker I fed off of earlier today, he was dead. He was ripped open in all different places, this didn't look like a vampire kill. This was cold murder. I covered my mouth in shock. "Who did this?" I asked. Harry couldn't even speak, he was disgusted by the sight. But at the same time he looked like he was used to seeing something like this. Louis shook his head, "I don't know, but I wanna find out."


A/N hii guys. Tonight's my snow coming/winter fest dance thing. I guess I'm gonna go to it? Yeah ok. Hope you like this chapter. Leave a comment tell me what you think. Next chapter will be up shortly. Also, I know this was a bit like twilight, breaking dawn. Whatever.... The rest of the book isn't.

Also, I don't think I ever explained lusting. Lusting for a vampire isn't the same as lusting for a human. It's when vampires bring out their inner vampire, basically. When your eyes turn red, and fangs come out. That's lusting, not the sexual desire thing. It's different for them. Anyway, yeah....

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