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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design) and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

I am so sorry for the slow updates. I've been struggling with my mental health recently.

Chapter 30: Refuge

January 17th, 2001

The haunting, howling roars from the crowds of spectators pierced my ears as I had awoken.

Having found myself lying down upon the cold, familiar floor of cement once again, my eyes opened in the same moment consciousness returned to me.

Getting a glimpse of the cement floor, I moved my hands beneath me to push my body off it. The familiar shackle held tightly against my ankle, and my collar remained cold against my skin.

Having risen onto my feet, I took sight of my opponent, prepared to take down another poor creature that had been bet against me. At this point, fighting was nearly second nature to me, no questions asked as my opponents fell like flies.

Across the field from me was a very odd sight, odd enough to where my own consciousness came forward rather than the obedient, thoughtless, bent-up entity this place had created of me.

The creature I was up against must've been an angel...a very damaged, exhausted, tormented angel that had been shown no mercy by the horrible creatures who ran this hellhole.

The male angel rested on his knees, held down by large, ebony black shackles locked tight around his pale wrists. The male had long, silver hair that seemed to have dulled in intensity along with his grace. His once teal-colored wings lied broken, mangled and rotting upon the floor at his sides. The feathers had turned a sickly shade of brown; the stains of blood within his feathers had influenced such a result.

The angel's appearance nearly shocked me, as I could not recall having ever seen an angel before. The announcer for the event began to read off the usual statements, welcoming all viewers and guests to the battleground.

My mind drowned out everything around me as I stood, observing the angel in his entirety. The angel remained bare, his body bearing no scars nor wounds, likely due to his remarkable ability to heal all remnants of physical torture. Despite his body bearing no wounds, his anguish remained clear as day through his severely weakened state.

Despite never having seen this creature before, something about it felt all so familiar to me.

The crowds roared with intensity, I had blocked out all of the announcer's words up until the identity of the angelic creature had been revealed.


Instantly my heart dropped into the pit of my stomach, followed by such an intense amount of pain centered within my abdomen.

These people wanted me to kill the only other entity I had known, the only other entity that kept me sane.

His pained eyes looked into mine from across the field, his irises instantly turned a brightly glowing light blue.

Time seemed to slow as those eyes of his bore into mine, within a split second my body felt entirely numb just as an odd sensation overwhelmed me.

My vision grew bright, a gasp filled my lungs as my surroundings faded away just as quick.

Images filled my vision, images of what the angel had been through within his time in captivity. Over the span of multiple centuries, he was used to power the containment center, to keep the walls impenetrable from the inside and out. He was just one of many angels this facility had captured and drained in order to strengthen its walls.

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