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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design) and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

Chapter 15: Attack

The unfamiliar source of energy continues to approach the church in a manner we can both tell is a vehicle, the sound of the car driving through gravel distantly reaches our ears, telling us she has arrived.

Axel's instincts go into full-on defensive mode over me, growling and snarling while his eyes remain fixed on the pipe across the basement from us.

Movement from his face grabs my attention, moving my gaze over to see the appendages on his face spreading open in a fierce display.

When those things open, that is when I know for sure that he does not want to be fucked with.

An unfamiliar, yet strangely familiar girl's voice travels down the pipe to us, sounding serious yet playful, "Viv? Are you down there? I sure hope not, unless you're dead, then I'd believe it." She hints at the unpleasant smell coming from the pipe that I have grown to be familiar with.

Axel immediately tenses up upon hearing her voice, 'Remain here. Do not surface.' He demands, spreading his wings, watching the girl's faint shadow being casted down the pipe. He flaps his wings hard, stirring up sand as he takes off for the pipe, flying through the basement to launch out of it and into the sky.

The girl lets out a scream, falling onto her behind on the grass as her eyes remain locked on Axel in the sky, a grin full of excitement and awe filling her face as she stands back up.

She speaks through excitement and amusement, "Ah! You must be the mate I heard about! Oh how exciting! What's your name? Mine is Celest!" She giggles, her eyes locked on Axel as he flies all over through the sky around the church, surveying her.

He dives down at her aggressively in response to her question, making her laugh in excitement as she watches him come down from the sky. Before Axel can tackle her off the ground and drag her into the sky, she skillfully rolls out of the way last second, laughing while watching him fly up into the sky again.

"Woah. Is that how you treat all your guests? You are quite the aggressive one." She swiftly dodges another one of his swift aggressive attacks, growing more amused as he becomes enraged.

She laughs and claps her hands, watching him fly off into the sky again, "Oh, my sister must be down there if you are being this territorial and aggressive." She begins, "Vivica?! Could you by chance get your fine gentleman to stop being a winged ass for a minute and come on up here? I'm asking, rather than taking him into my own hands, he really wouldn't like it if I did."

Axel lets out a loud, very aggressive roar through the sky in response to her words. Hesitantly I walk toward the pipe, having redressed to look up and out of it. The girl on the other end of the pipe has medium length, sideswept blue hair, a thin yet beautiful face with purple lipstick. She is wearing a black and blue hooded outfit, from what I can see. Her eyes are a soft scarlet red, glowing down at me. She grows excited upon seeing me, she waves down, "Vivica! You mind?" She hints toward Axel, not paying attention she gets slammed into, dissapearing from my sight.

(Her face and body look like Jinx from League of Legends[shown below], her personality is similar as well for those of you who are familiar.)


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