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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design) and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

Chapter 14: Passing

After Amon had left, I decided to gather up an old, tattered bag from between a few discarded crates off to the side in the basement. It was full of cobwebs and a big spider, but I killed it and cleaned it out.

Gathering up my razor, soaps and my loofah, I jump up into the pipe with the bag over my arm.

Climbing out, I drop down to place my feet upon the dry grass. Gazing off in all directions, I take in my empty surroundings, aside from the flocks of crows residing here. Walking out toward the road, Axel is nowhere to be seen. The gentle breeze of spring air brushes past my face, making my hair flow through it.

Although the highway is usually empty, cars do tend to drive along it occasionally. Using care near the road, I spread my wings and take off into the night sky. To my surprise, while gazing down from above, I spot a car's headlights as it drives down the road toward the church.

Watching as the car drives through the night, it drives right past the church, not even realizing it is there a little distance away from the road hidden behind the trees.

Watching the car continue driving on, it is safe to assume those people won't get far with Axel flying about nearby.

Flying out toward a direction I know a lake is located at, I make it there swiftly in a matter of minutes. Landing beside the water, I hang the bag on a branch before checking my surroundings.

Focusing on my senses, I am unable to sense anything nearby. The only thing my senses pick up is Axel a few miles away, doing whatever it is he is doing.

Slipping out of my clothes, I place Axel's shirt nicely upon a branch. Walking into the water, I shiver slightly from the temperature difference. Once my hips are beneath the water, I quickly splash myself with the water to get this over with, proceeding with the task of quickly cleaning myself.

In a matter of minutes, the loud, familiar flapping of wings reaches my ears just before Axel lands roughly a few feet away from the water.

Rinsing my hair out, I look over at him, "I'm guessing you want me to get out...?"

Axel nods, looking at the water oddly.

"What's wrong?" I look at where he is looking, expecting to see a snake or something.

'Out.' He demands.

Becoming more fearful, I freeze up, "Is it a snake?! Gator?!"

Axel growls at me, 'No. Get out.'

Obeying, I walk out of the water and gather my belongings, fluttering my wings to get most of the excess water off them.

Axel makes sure I put his shirt back on, grabbing onto me before flying off toward the church with me in his arms.

The gusts of air from Axel's swift flight begins to make me shiver, making me hold onto Axel closer.

He lands with me before the pipe, placing me down as he climbs down into it with me.

The sand and debris stick to my feet as I make my way over to the first thing that grabs my attention, the large table in the center of the basement.

The table is covered in countless different items, this table has grabbed my attention a number of times since I've been here. Only now do I feel confident enough to take a closer look at it.

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