Mass Grave

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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design) and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

Chapter 12: Mass Grave

Once we had returned to the church, Axel had placed me down within the basement before starting his work on the bodies.

Watching him unwrap the first body as it lies beneath the pipe, the unpleasant stench of rot reaches my nose, making my stomach churn. Usually when he unwraps the bodies, they smell fresh...but a decent amount of time has gone by since they first got here.

Watching as his method changes from his usual routine, he stops his progression to observe the body he had unwrapped, looking as though he is very annoyed.

Axel then walks to the back of the basement, grabbing a shovel before walking back over to the pile of bodies.

Confused, I ask, "...What are you going to do? Bury them?"

Axel kicks the first body around without an ounce of care while studying its state of decay, his eyes focused on the body as he responds, "Late stages of rigor mortis have set in, livor mortis will soon follow. Too late to preserve.'

Listening to his words, I recognize the terminology he is using for the stages of decay. Understanding that once livor mortis sets in, the skin will begin to loosen from the muscles and likely slip off like a glove if he messes with it too much.

Watching Axel grab onto the first body to wrap it back up, he ties the rope around it again to drag it up into the pipe. I watch him climb up the pipe with ease to chuck it into the yard of the church.

Figuring I can help, I move my hands toward the remaining bodies, "Stay out there, I'll help."

Violet fog surrounds one of the wrapped up bodies to lift it into the air, shoving it through the pipe before Axel has a chance to tell me no.

Hearing and feeling the body come into contact with something as it is forced out of the pipe's exit, a low growl rumbles down the pipe, making me move a hand to my mouth.

Realizing I had just slammed the body into his chest before the body landed beyond the pipe, I am unable to hold in my laughter, "Move out of the way!!" I speak through laughter.

Sensing Axel move, I lift the rest of the bodies up to chuck them out of the pipe with my energy, flying over to the pipe to climb out of it last.

Axel walks off in what seems to be a random direction, until I realize there is a giant truck hidden in that direction.

Following a distance behind him, my jaw drops in awe at the sight of the beast of a vehicle, impressed with its size and condition for it looking so old. The old truck is definitely customized, the color consisting of a dark greenish grey with a variety of other aged colors.

Realizing this is his method of getting around during the day, and how he brings back so many bodies makes sense to me, "...Holy shit..."

Without Axel even looking at me, I can tell he is grinning at my reaction, feeling prideful of it.

Watching him climb up the step to yank the door open, he climbs into it and shuts the door.

Watching the truck come to life as the engine is started, it lets out a loud roar as it does.

Axel keeps the headlights off as he begins to drive it in my direction, quickly I fly off to land next to the pipe, watching him pull over next to it.

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