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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design), Cryptsin, and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

Chapter 35: Roots

Taking a step forward, my surroundings shifted into a chamber that was all too familiar to me. The bedroom around me had a very rustic style to it throughout its entirety.

The large bedroom was also connected to a large living space, separated by a wooden door. The entire space also offered a bathroom, kitchen area and other necessities.

Shifting my attention around the bedroom, a dresser catches my attention. I approach the unique, likely expensive wooden dresser, wondering where on Earth it would have been constructed at. Pulling open the top drawer, many pairs of pajamas lie folded on top of one another. Searching the rest of the dresser, it is stocked full of clean, comfortable clothes. My clothes.

Finally...I...remember this...these clothes, this

Tears begin to flood my vision while I grab a pair of beautiful black jeans out from the dresser.

My fingers run themselves across the soft fabric, gripping onto it while tears of joy fall from my eyes. The clothes I have gotten so familiar with wearing are always caked with blood, torn, dirty or stink of death. But these smell of soap, feel so wonderfully soft to the touch and are new.


The voice grabs my attention, noticing Celest standing in the doorway of my bedroom. A smile forms upon her lips, "You're back! And...crying over jeans?"

"Celest...It's not the jeans. I...remember now. I remember who I am, and where I came human parents named me Alma, but my real name was Vivica. My human parents were murdered..."

Celest steps closer to me, amusement in her eyes, "oh! How wonderful. How did mom die?"

My mood shifts at her odd question, a significant amount of grief that had been buried begins to resurface itself.

Before I had a chance to retaliate against her harsh words, another body had entered the doorway.

Brandon enters the room, a proud look in his eyes, "You have returned home, sister."

Upon seeing him, my eyes lit up. Countless memories filled my mind, recollecting how close him and I were. We were best friends, our interests were nearly identical. I learned from him, I looked up to him, and he would protect me, and teach me what our father could not.

Instantly I ran to him, nearly flying off the ground to wrap my arms around his neck in a tight embrace. He let out a chuckle, recognizing my behavior, knowing now that I remember everything.

Celest groans in annoyance, "Oh my God, you two are going to kill me."

Black fog appears behind Celest, shoving her toward us as she screams out, "No!! Brandon, stop!"

She is pulled into the embrace, my laughter fills the room while Brandon grins down at Celest. She struggles against his arm, "Fuck off!! Ugh!!! You are messing up my hair!!"

Through all the excitement and happiness, a sharp, piercing pain suddenly shoots through my chest. A scream of agony erupts from my throat, causing my siblings to back away in shock and concern.

Falling to the ground, my hands fly to my chest. Hyperventilating upon the floor, my chest rapidly rises and falls.

"Vivica?!" My brother calls out, rushing to me, only to jump back the moment I scream out once more and flail about.

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