The Lost

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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design), Cryptsin, and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

CONTENT WARNING: This chapter contains violent rape, and suicide.

The scene of rape is isolated between brackets, allowing sensitive readers to skip the scene all together if they wish to.

Chapter 46: The Lost

Within an hour, Celest had left with Makenzie. At first, Makenzie was apprehensive, until Celest was able to get her to warm up to her. I had also finished packing, teleporting my suitcase back home before beginning the process of cleaning up the entire home.

By the time the sun had creeped its way to the horizon, I had finished cleaning up and putting away the clean beddings and towels. The golden rays of the sun shone onto the beautiful lakeside home as I locked the door behind me. Doing as instructed, I hid the house key beneath a rock at the side of the house.

'Punishment is to be expected of your past time with Amon, are my assumptions incorrect?' The voice of Axel reaches my mind, his voice sounding dark and as though he is testing me.

Stopping in my tracks, I look to the brightening sky, watching the deep blue color of it. '...If that is what you wish to come of my poor choices...'

Axel does not respond for a few moments, a sudden pain is felt through our bond from his end, the pain centered at my right shoulder. The pain barely phases me, and then the feeling of pins and needles fill my right arm.

Understanding that Axel had just tore off his right arm, I figure he is in the process of replacing it.

'Come, then.' Axel's deep voice prompts me to use my abilities, using them along with our bond to determine a point to teleport to.

Appearing in a thick violet fog, the fog gets blown from my form by the soft passing air. My senses took me to the mouth of an old cave, two doors barely hanging onto their frames indicate that the cave was once used as a mine. Walking to the doors, I slip between them.

Once consumed by the darkness, a faint sound reaches my ears, causing my heart to sink. The echoing cries of a girl can be heard from deep within its depths, leading me to a decently sized hole in the ground. The metal railing around the hole and the metal wheel hanging above it informs me that there used to be a manually operated elevator here, which must now be located beneath the hole.

Walking over to the hole, I take a peek down, determining that the fall is roughly 6 stories deep, leading to a giant open cavern. Knowing that Axel is down there somewhere, along with the crying girl, I take a leap down into it.

Spreading my wings on the way down, my wings glide me straight down slowly, allowing me to take in the giant room. The room had likely been formed naturally, and unnaturally. The coloration of some of the walls indicate that explosives were used in some parts, while raw minerals line the others. The room is nearly a perfect circle, let alone a giant one. The circular room branches off into numerous veins, five to be exact.

Bats line the ceiling of the cave, creating black clusters all around above me. Finally my feet touch the ground, my eyes spot the old rusty elevator that had been thrown onto its side, the metal contents of its railing and frame bent and broken all around it.

Hearing the woman's cries, they sound much louder now. Turning around, I spot the vein she is down, my right arm beginning to lose the sensation of being numb.

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