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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design) and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

Chapter 18: Leaving

The sound of a male voice shouting down from the pipe awakens me from my nap, making me groan and rub my eyes. The voice of a man in his late teens echoes down from the pipe, asking if anyone is down here.

Realizing the situation, I immediately sit up and look at the pipe, shocked to hear another human's voice once again trailing down from it. The last time this happened, Axel was here to help me. This time, I am on my own.

Sensing the man walk away from the pipe, the next thing I hear surprises me.

A deathly moan sounds from one of the bodies Axel had left here, right away the man beyond the pipe runs back and responds, this time with a flashlight.

The light's beam travels down the pipe, as the man yells down the pipe, my ears pick up the voice of a woman likely a couple years older than he is.

The woman doubts anything is down here, while the man insists that he had heard someone.

While the couple of young adults argue about the man going down the pipe, the woman calls the man Darry. I also pick up on the woman's name, Trish.

They continue to bicker and the victim that had made a noise just before makes another, much louder moan, causing both of them to go silent.

The man, named Darry, becomes more desperate to attempt to help the voice, to the point I soon hear what must be him making his way down the pipe a portion of the way.

From the steepness of the pipe, Darry would have definitely slid down if it weren't for the woman holding onto his feet from the mouth of the pipe.

The beam of light from the flashlight is now stronger, he continues to shout.

Thinking of what to do, I contemplate over whether or not Axel would want to kill this man for trespassing on his territory.

Figuring he would, I decide to use an illusion in hopes to get one, or maybe both of them down here for him like I did before with the boy for when he gets back.

Releasing a dark violet fog from my hands, I feel myself weaken, not having much energy left after earlier this morning. The fog flies out from the pipe and into the eyes of the humans, the energy completely invisible and unnoticeable by them.

Using my ability to create illusions, I trick their eyes into seeing rats within the pipe.

Within seconds, the man notices and panics, kicking and screaming about rats as the woman's grip on him slips.

The man falls down the pipe, landing roughly onto his back upon the sandy, cement floor below.

Grinning at my victory, I believe he has been knocked out for good as he remains unresponsive to the woman's shouts.

Thinking now of a way to get the woman down here, a sound grumbles from the man who must have just been temporarily unconscious from his landing.

Watching him stir, my heart drops, watching him slowly get up. The scent of the man's blood reaches my nose. As he turns around to put his shoe back on, I quickly change my eye color to brown, not wanting my irises to be seen by him through the darkness around me.

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