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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design), Cryptsin, and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

Chapter 45: Blood

Makenzie's POV:

From the moment I had begun dreaming, the nightmares had returned.

The darkness, the pain in my chest, the black fog...

This darkness held something within it, the same entity I had seen last night. Those two, glowing white eyes.

...It must feed off fear...

Staring at my old house, the darkness had closed in much tighter than before. The door remains wide open, those two white eyes staring directly into my soul.

It is hungry. It wants something from me.

"What do you want from me?!" My voice echoed all around me as though I were in a long, narrow tunnel. The creature remained still, completely enveloped in the darkness, not an ounce of its form able to be made out.

It continued to stare as though it were contemplating its options. Then, just like that, I felt a weight lift off my shoulders.

My eyes slowly squinted open, feeling myself just barely conscious. Yet, there it was. I couldn't tell whether or not it was a dream, but there it was at the end of my bed.

Those bright, white eyes in the darkness. My exhaustion was so strong, I felt myself unable to keep my eyes open. Everytime my eyes had slit open, it remained in the same spot. My eyes slowly opened wider, and I was able to make out what must've been something almost reflective where its shoulder would be.


Suddenly, the soft sound of Vivica's voice near the stairs caused my mind to grasp onto reality. Just as it did, in the blink of an eye, the entity I had swore I saw was gone.

My eyes widened, prompting me to sit up and look all around the darkened room for those white eyes. They had simply disappeared into thin air.

Vivica's POV:

Making my way into my bedroom with Axel, we had made sure Amon was comfortable and healed by the time we left the mansion. Axel reassured me that he would be fine to just sleep it off, and that they've both slept off much worse before.

Stopping in my tracks, I stop talking to him regarding everything that I had remembered about myself the moment I feel what must've been Brandon's presence fading from the home. Axel stops as well, watching me while becoming confused, unable to sense the fading presence.

Furrowing my eyebrows in confusion, I turn around and look at him before looking all around the hallway, "Brandon?" Walking away from my bedroom door, Axel remains where he was, knowing who Brandon is now that I had told him about ten minutes ago.

Walking down the stairs, I stop halfway to look around the living room for any signs of him.


Remaining confused, I brush it off and walk back up the stairs, going into my room as Axel follows me in.

"...Usually he would show himself if he happened to be nearby, I don't understand." I shared with Axel, dragging my suitcase out from beneath the bed.

Axel looks over my form as I do, still needing to get used to the changes.

Walking over to the dresser, I open it up and begin gathering my clothes from it, "Anyway, what is your opinion on working with me to break your cycle? I have ideas that could work."

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