The Spark

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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design), Cryptsin, and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

Chapter 43: The Spark

Three hours had passed much quicker than I had intended, having accidentally fallen asleep with my back against the old wooden wall behind me. Despite having fallen asleep, thick clouds of violet fog cover the floor around the barn. The clouds come up to about three feet from the ground, working to provide my senses with heightened sensitivity in the chance something were to move.

While asleep, a mild burning sensation within my chest began to bother me.

Above me, Axel's body remains frail and skeletal. But unlike hours before, his skin is no longer bone-dry. His resurrected, necrotic heart had begun to twitch. His brain repeatedly sends signals to it, flexing the muscle in an effort to restart the organ. The blood that had dried within his heart and veins now have just barely enough moisture to be used again. The muscle continues to twitch with every other second, until the organ finally responds to the signals.

His heart, despite having been revived, beats very weakly as a result of its advanced levels of necropsy.

Following the heart's revival, his lungs slowly begin to expand. As the organs stretch, an intense burning sensation is registered into his brain.

His brain, receiving the sensations of pain, kickstarts the final step needed in the process of awakening. His awareness.

Then, his consciousness finally returns to him.

Lying within the fog, the burning in my chest intensifies as unfamiliar sounds begin to reach my ears.

Long, raspy, gravelly noises are faintly taken in, sounding as though something is suffering and fighting hard to breathe.

Slowly my eyes begin to open, not realizing where I am at first.

Above me, Axel's mandibles have finished folding back down onto his skeletal face. His eyes slowly open, despite being entirely blind. He slowly takes in a long, deep breath.

Hearing the sounds become much louder due to him breathing in so deep, my eyes shoot open. In an instant, I am on my feet staring up at Axel.

The very instant his senses register my movement, his head snaps down in my direction. Immediately his harsh, terribly gravelly growls erupt from his throat while he snarls in an effort to defend himself in such a helpless situation.

Watching him become aggressive, my heart sinks into the pit of my stomach. Realizing the two possible reasons as to why he would be seeing me as a threat, I desperately fear one over the other.

Either he had completely forgotten about my existence, or he is unable to use his nose's sensitivity as of yet.

"...Axel?" My voice reaches him, my heart crumbling to bits as his growls immediately stop.

Tears begin to flood my vision, feeling an overwhelming amount of happiness in knowing his memory remains sharp.

A hoarse, painfully sounding noise groans out from his throat, ""

His speech causes me to begin sobbing, "...Y-Yes...I'm here..."

His left hand slowly balls itself into a fist, his eyes close tightly as pain courses through his mutilated body. Some of the violet fog flies up to him, wrapping around his body. Feeling the tingling sensation along his body, he trusts my actions despite being blind.

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