Touch of Death

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I do not own anything except for my characters (Vivica, Amon, Axel, etc), the Galileus (but sadly I do not own the creature design) and Cryal.

Quotes and meanings below.
"Speaking aloud"
'Speaking telepathically'
Subconscious thoughts, deep in the mind and cannot be heard by others at all.

Chapter 28: Touch of Death

Walking back to the house wasn't too much of a struggle. The young girl allowed me to bring her back to my house, as she had finally admitted to having been lost.

I have yet to inform Amon or Axel about her; the very thought of informing Axel alone terrifies me.

The girl is dressed in a simple dark brown jacket sporting the letters of the company's name that had produced it. Along with the jacket, she is also dressed in tight blue skinny jeans and black shoes.

Most of the walk progressed in silence, the poor girl checking over her shoulder constantly as if in fear of being followed.

With my senses peaked the entire walk back, despite her fear, I sense no danger.

Approaching the back door of my house, I turn the doorknob before pulling it open and walking inside with her.

I shut the door behind her, both of us dripping with rain, her clothes completely soaked and dampened to darker shades.

The state of her clothing tells me she had been wandering through the woods for a good while before we ran into one another.

Walking into one of the bathrooms, I grab a towel and begin to dry off while she follows behind me like a frightened puppy.

Looking into her eyes, her hair drips with chilled water, "Would you like me to give you some clean clothes to wear? I could wash your current ones, maybe a shower would be good for you to start with?" I suggest to her.

Her sapphire blue eyes study my vibrant violet ones. I had decided to expose my true eye color to her, as she had already seen them anyway.

"...Yes..." She responds quietly, I smile a little as she walks into the bathroom with me.

Heading out of it, I turn around and look at her, "Everything you need can be found under the sink there. Once you are done, clean clothes will be just beyond the door for you." I give her a friendly smile.

She stands there, looking very anxious about her surroundings and uncomfortable, she suddenly nods, "...Thank you..."

"Of course." I respond, grabbing onto the door before pulling it closed.

Just before I do, her soft voice makes me come to a halt, "...Excuse me.."

Pushing the door open again, I look at her, interested in what she needs, "Yeah?"

Fear reflects through her eyes as though they were a window, her hands grasped together against her chest, "...Could you stand outside of the bathroom for me please...? I...don't want to be alone..." she worries, almost trembling.

Giving her a comforting smile, I explain to her, "There is no reason to be scared. This house is protected, I see everything that comes near it. Don't worry about anything. I promise, you are safe here."

She listens closely to my words before hesitantly nodding. I then close the door, shifting my attention down the hall, feeling eyes on me.

Amon studies me curiously, no longer bearing any wings, and no longer covered in blood.

Slowly I walk down the hall toward him, sighing a little.

"You have brought a friend? Is that what kept you." He assumes, following me up to my bedroom.

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